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    These Movies Are Not For Kids

    Parental guidance isn't enough! There are far too many movies aimed towards children with content too mature for them.

    Growing up watching all those classic Disney movies or ones based on children's books, you wouldn't really think twice at some of the things they say and do. But if you go watch some now, you'll notice moments not suitable for younger audiences. You don't want a five year old asking you about smoking, drinking, cursing and violence. You can have "the talk" with them in seven years. Sure, you can call them innocent, fun movies but we all know their dark secrets.

    Pinocchio (1940) Smoking

    Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (1968) Kidnapping

    Bedknobs and Broomsticks (1971) Genocide

    Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory (1971) Intense Scenes

    Home Alone (1990) Sex

    Madeline (1998) Language

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    (You'll have to skip to 32:30) Kids today overhear rude language all the time. It's nothing new but why include it in a movie when other words could have easily been used. The man has a potty mouth and should not say such things. Definitely not what you want to hear when you start a film. Plus clowns are scary and the kids get tied up.

    Beauty and the Beast (1991) Alcohol

    Shrek (2001) Innuendo

    The Incredibles (2004) Suicide

    A Cat in Paris (2010) Guns