11 Real-Life Events That Would Be Better With Dancing Lobsters

    Bring in the dancing lobsters.

    So, you remember The Amanda Show? It was basically the most iconic Nickelodeon show of the early '00s.

    It was a show full of hilarious skits such as "The Girls' Room," "Moody's Point," and "Judge Trudy."

    Without a doubt, the best moment of each episode came at the end of "Judge Trudy," when Trudy would say:

    And then these mofos would barge into the courtroom, bringing the party with them.

    Here are some real-life events that would be SO much better with dancing lobsters:

    1. Political debates:

    2. Concerts:

    3. Awards shows:

    4. Paying taxes:

    5. Working out:

    6. Basketball games:

    7. Getting grounded:

    8. Doctor appointments:

    9. Showers:

    10. Airplanes:

    11. And prom:

    Court dismissed.