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28 Cold Hard Facts About Going To An All-Girl Catholic School

Where do you think I learned how to burp the alphabet?

1. It will be years before you can wear plaid or an oxford again.

2. Your knee sock game is strong.

3. Rolling your skirt takes skill.

4. You ALWAYS wear shorts under your dress.

5. Doing your hair for school is ridiculous.

6. You only shave your legs on special occasions.

7. You've gone to school with half the people in your school your entire life.

8. Your eating habits are outrageous.

9. You don't understand how kids have pools at their school.

10. You know where all your teachers live.

11. Your hand is wider than your locker.

12. You are obsessed with boys you've never even met.

13. Parents think you are such a good influence on their kids.

14. You know how to drink.

15. By junior year, at least one of your friends thought she was pregnant.

16. Mary Catherine Gallagher is your spirit animal.

17. You only have one pep rally a year.

18. Your graduating class is ridiculously small.

19. Procrastination is an art, and you are Michelangelo.

20. You can sleep anywhere.

21. You hug everyone when you greet them.

22. You can give a detailed description of everyone in your class.

23. When the last bell rings, you look like an extra in a Britney Spears video.

24. "Remember when..." is your mantra.

25. Dirty jokes are your specialty.

26. Out of uniform days are the absolute best.

27. Kairos is where you learn to laugh and cry hysterically at the same time.

28. Even when the plaid skirts are long gone, your friends are still there.

Thumbnails via @ellleebelle and @kait_stylist