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    What It's Like To Be A Sorority President

    As told by Jennifer Lawrence.

    1. How you imagined accepting the presidency would be:

    2. When in reality it should be more like this:

    3. Every Chapter meeting is a guessing game:

    4. When your Chapter turns on you thinking you're the problem:

    5. When you open your email inbox it feels like this:

    6. How you react to people when they think they have your life together:

    7. Asking the president before you for advice goes something like this:

    8. After you comeback from your training with (inter)nationals:

    9. How you feel when you get an email about your (inter)nationals coming to visit:

    10. What you want to do after every exec meeting, chapter meeting, or really any meeting:

    11. When there is an off the wall standards violation:

    12. When someone finally has something positive to say during a chapter meeting:

    13. How you feel when people talk during announcements in chapter:

    14. How you feel when people talk when a guest speaker comes to chapter:

    15. No one invites you to anything anymore:

    16. Everyone starts introducing you as "President" and you completely lose your identity:

    17. Trying to assert your authority like:

    18. Thinking about the end of your presidency:

    19. When the Chapter starts winning things during your presidency:

    20. When your Chapter starts failing at things during your presidency:

    21. Every time you have to speak during recruitment:

    22. Having to be unbiased on how you feel with every chapter member:

    23. Knowing every secret in the Chapter but never being able to talk about it:

    24. When your officers don't tell you anything until the last minute:

    25. Most days go like this:

    26. Anytime Panhellenic asks you to do anything:

    27. Making eye contact with any of the trouble members in your Chapter:

    28. Meeting with other presidents like:

    29. When something goes wrong and you don't want the Chapter to find out:

    30. But after it is all said and done, this is the greatest job that you never want to do again: