We Need To Talk About The Chef From "Huey's Kitchen" And Why He's Peak Daddy

    *Snaps suspenders seductively.*

    1. If you grew up in Australia, chances are you know who Iain "Huey" Hewiston is. He's the Aussie legend who was the mastermind behind your favourite after-school show, Huey's Kitchen and Huey's Cooking Adventures.

    2. After some deep and meaningful thinking, I've come to the conclusion that it's time to reflect on Huey's thirst potential. And by that I mean what a total D-A-D-D-Y he is.

    3. Let's start off with this classic Huey combo: Blue shirt, red-hot tomato suspenders and a moustached smile that's giving me major "I will take care of you" vibes.

    4. And when he's feeling a little more confident, on go the chilli suspenders and out come the smooth one-liners.

    5. As you've probably gathered by now, this is not a man who is afraid of colour.

    6. Huey is a confident daddy. He's comfortable in his own skin and his many citrus-themed suspenders.

    7. And he's not afraid to match his accessories and mix up his prints.

    8. Yes Huey, you better WORK.

    9. But don't worry, he knows how to suit up for date night.

    10. And he's more than ready to look like the lumberjack daddy of your dreams, who can also cook you a fine ass meal for dinner.

    11. As some might say, his colourful suspenders bring all the boys and girls to the yard.

    12. And combined with that bushy moustache, well, we have one dreamboat daddy on our hands.

    13. Like any silver fox, Huey has and continues to age like a fine wine.

    14. Here's a younger Huey looking like a vision in bright yellow.

    15. And here's salt 'n' pepper Huey, still looking like a freakin' vision in yellow.

    16. And here's a more mature Huey, who is still rocking the ~looks~ in his retirement phase.

    17. *Snaps suspenders seductively.*

    18. In conclusion: We stan Huey, our king and newly-crowned daddy.