17 Common Misconceptions About Australia That Still Get Believed To This Day

    Drop bears? Oh, those are definitely real.

    Australia is an incredible place — but if you don't live here or have never visited, then your perception of ~Down Under~ may be pretty warped, thanks to movies like Crocodile Dundee and that one episode of The Simpsons.

    So, Reddit user u/PeevesPoltergist called on Aussies to clear up any misconceptions about Australia that the rest of the world still believes. Here are some of the responses!

    Note: Not all submissions in this post are from the Reddit thread. We've added some of our own in too! Oh and FYI — in case you didn't know, a lot of these answers are tongue-in-cheek, because we Aussies love to play a joke or two on the rest of the world.

    1. That Vegemite is meant to be spread on toast as generously as Nutella.

    listen americans if this is how much vegemite yall are putting on your toast its no wonder yall dont like it

    Twitter: @babyouremyqueen

    Ooft, nothing grinds an Australian's gears like seeing someone spread a huge portion of Vegemite on toast, try it, and then call it disgusting. That's NOT the way you eat Vegemite. You've got to do it sparingly and add a little butter, and then it's beautiful.

    2. That Australia is filled with deadly animals — left, right, and centre.

    Crocodile underwater

    3. Including fuck-off-huge spiders that constantly invade our homes.

    Huge spider

    4. And that we're all Steve Irwin types, ready to fend them off at any moment.

    5. That we're upside down because we're located in the Southern Hemisphere.

    A map of the world

    6. That our mode of transportation in the 21st century is one of Australia's most well-known animals.

    A kangaroo hopping in the grass

    7. That Australian toilets flush counterclockwise.

    A flushing toilet

    8. That we can't say two words without having to swear.

    9. That Australians actually eat bloomin' onions — a signature dish sold at Outback Steakhouse.

    Bloomin' onions

    10. As well as Foster's beer — apparently we consume this as much as water.

    A large glass of Foster's beer

    11. That the word "shrimp" exists in the Australian vernacular.

    Paul Hogan holding up a prawn

    12. And that all of us have the same, stereotypical accent that many associate with being "Australian".

    13. That the entire country looks like the beach or else something straight out of the scenes of Mad Max — there's no in-between.

    14. That drop bears are a huge hoax told by Australians to scare naive tourists.

    An angry "drop bear"

    15. That every Australian citizen immediately knows how to surf when they're born.

    16. Oh, and that we're all fit, tan and blonde — like Chris Hemsworth and Margot Robbie.

    17. And lastly, that it's one, big endless summer in Australia — the seasons don't change.

    Kangaroo in a snowy landscape

    Note: Some Reddit responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.

    What are some other myths about Australia you want dispelled? Drop them in the comments below and perhaps some helpful Aussies can answer them.