"School Of Rock" Just Turned 20, So Here Are 20 Cool Facts About The Movie That I Think You Should Know

    Yes, this movie is officially old, which means that we're all officially old. Yay!

    School of Rock turns 20 years old today!

    To celebrate this hardcore film that taught us all to stick it to the man, here are 20 fun facts about the movie!

    1. The actor who played Ned (Dewey's roommate) actually wrote the film.

    2. In order to get the rights to "Immigrant Song," Richard Linklater sent a video to Led Zeppelin of Jack Black begging on behalf of the film.

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    In the video, Jack Black stands before a crowd of cheering extras. He addresses each band member and calls them "the Gods of Rock." Then, he goes on to say that "your song would be the hard-rockin' cherry on the top of the mountain". 

    Luckily, the stunt worked and Linklater got permission to use the song. 

    You can watch the "plea" video here:

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    The video starts at the 0:31 mark. 

    3. Richard Linklater has a blink-and-you'll-miss-it cameo in the film.

    4. At just 10 years old, Miranda Cosgrove was the youngest cast member on set.

    5. Orignally, Summer Hathaway (Miranda Cosgrove's character) was supposed to be a talented singer, but they ended up giving that storyline to Tomika.

    6. Billy, AKA the most iconic character in the film, wasn't originally a fashion designer.

    7. BTW, Brian Falduto is now a country singer and he's killing it. Here's the music video for his song "Same Old Country Love Song":

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    Brian Falduto

    ^^^This song is very gay and it high-key slaps. 

    8. The cast are all on a group chat called "Schnayblay."

    9. It was Richard Linklater's idea to have the kids soundproof the classroom.

    10. The characters were shaped around the kid's real personalities.

    11. Zach's song "School of Rock" was co-written by The Mooney Suzuki.

    You can listen to the final song here:

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    Paramount Pictures

    12. During Dewey's history of music lecture, you can spot a spelling mistake on the chalkboard.

    13. Robert Tsai, the actor who played Lawrence, frequently "broke" during filming. One of the takes of Tsai breaking actually ended up in the movie.

    You can watch the scene here:

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    Tsai starts to break at the 2:42 mark, when Jack Black sings "Lawrence is good at piano."

    14. The scene where Dewey gives a body-positive pep talk to Tomika is one of Jack Black's favourite scenes in his entire career.

    You can watch the scene here:

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    Paramount Pictures / Via youtube.com

    The scene went viral two years ago, with people on Twitter praising the "revolutionary" portrayal of fatness.

    15. Also, the actor who played Tomika is now an R&B singer.

    You can see one of her music videos here:

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    16. For the ten year anniversary, Jack Black reunited the band on the stage.

    You can see part of their amazing performance here:

    View this video on YouTube


    17. In the original cut of the film, Jack Black and Joan Cusak kiss.

    18. Lucas Babin, AKA the actor who played "Spider", is now a District Attorney and a registered Republican.

    19. The kids are now roughly the same age as Jack Black when he filmed the movie.

    20. Kevin Clark came up with the ending of the film.

    You can see the iconic ending here:

    View this video on YouTube


    What did School of Rock mean to you? Tell us in the comments below!

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