12 "Harry Potter" Quotes That Could Totally Be About Your Desi Life

    "I have gone temporarily deaf and haven't an idea what you said, Harry." - Mom when asked for pocket money.

    1. When Mad-Eye Moody was obz talking about turmeric stains.

    2. When Ginny said something most desi mums say sarcastically.

    3. And Ron summed up society's thoughts on going to art school.

    4. When Dumbledore perfectly phrased this horror.

    5. When Malfoy was basically pulling a '90s Bollywood storyline with this.

    6. When Lupin sounded like any family elder defending their crazy yesteryear adventures.

    7. When Dumbledore said something straight up uncleji.

    8. When Hermione said (and did) what we've all wanted to when faced with a catcaller.

    9. When Dumbledore revealed what's on desis' minds when we pack for trips.

    10. When George channelled street ear-cleaners in one line.

    11. When Professor McGonagall sounded like any excited dadi at the birth of a grandchild.

    12. And when Dumbledore was pretty much your mom any time you ask her for pocket money.

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