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15 Cats Who Disapprove Of Your D.I.Y. Ways

You've worked hard to improve your home this spring. You think it looks great. These cats believe otherwise. (And one even blogs about it.) Fear not: Home Depot has your back. You can still be a DIY hero if you get a little expert help. Your cat will thank you later.

11 Cats With Better Apartments Than Yours

Some cats live outdoors. Some cats live indoors. But the pimping-est cats have outdoor enclosures called --wait for it-- CATIOS. You can order them online or build them from scratch (get it?) if you're so inclined, and Home Depot can help. Either way, cats love catios - even Richard, and he hates everything.

10 Cats Who Think You're Doing It Wrong

As a general rule, cats are sick and tired of humans doing everything wrong. Some even blog about it. But don't freak out. Home Depot is here to help. They can't make you more graceful, or make better decisions, but at least they won't judge you like Richard and his friends.

20 Quirky Cat-Themed ETSY Crafts

It's spring. You're feeling crafty. You're ready to really dig into some DIY projects. Richard the Cat suggests you go to Home Depot for help. Unless you're one of these artists, in which case you should maybe get professional help of a different sort. J/K these things are awesome. (Most of them.)