Emoji Dick And The Emoji Artwork It's Inspired

    It's not what you think it is. The Library of Congress is involved. Totally safe for work.

    "Emoji Dick is a crowd sourced and crowd funded translation of Herman Melville's Moby Dick into Japanese emoticons called emoji.

    Each of the book's approximately 10,000 sentences has been translated three times by a Amazon Mechanical Turk worker. These results have been voted upon by another set of workers, and the most popular version of each sentence has been selected for inclusion in this book.

    In total, over eight hundred people spent approximately 3,795,980 seconds working to create this book. Each worker was paid five cents per translation and two cents per vote per translation."

    The Library of Congress has officially acquired "Emoji Dick" as the first emoji book in their collection

    Inspired by this, the folks at Mashable created their own version of classic literature turned into Emojis. Try to guess which great book these emojis could be cover art for: