16 WTF Things That Are Just Everyday Events In Fife

    "Pensioner's huge cock is tourist attraction." Hmm, you don't say?

    1. Hilariously batshit classified ads.

    2. Inappropriate business names.

    3. And charming shop displays like this:

    4. Random farm animals wandering around estates...

    5. ...goats in cars...

    6. ...and horses down the pub.

    7. Unusual methods of transport.

    8. Police updates like this:

    9. And crimes like this:

    You don't need to be Taggart to solve this one.

    10. Fast food restaurants with an attitude problem.

    "Can I have one Bitch Fries, a Bastard Fries, a Fuku Fries, and two round, dry, flat pieces of beef please? Thanks."

    11. Spectacularly bad parking.

    12. Sweary, rude number plates.

    13. Just Eat reviews like this:

    14. Intense bin theft paranoia.

    Um, why does the message on the right look like it was written in blood? Are there a lot of vampires in Glenrothes?

    15. And bins attached to car roofs.

    16. And, of course, utterly batshit news headlines.