28 Reasons To Never, Ever Visit West Lothian

    It's the armpit of Scotland.

    1. For some reason, people actually choose to live in West Lothian.

    2. Haven't they heard that it's the worst place in Scotland?

    3. I mean look at it – it’s a depressing, boring dump.

    4. There are no interesting, historic sights to see.

    5. In fact, you won't find anything remotely iconic in West Lothian at all.

    6. And if you want fascinating ancient sites, you should go to Orkney or something.

    7. You won't find anywhere quaint or pretty to eat in West Lothian.

    8. And even if you do find somewhere, there won't be anything decent on the menu.

    9. And you're shit out of luck if you want a pudding, too.

    10. Wildlife? You must be having a laugh.

    11. There's nothing wild or unspoilt about West Lothian.

    12. Art? Culture? Ha, there's definitely none of that either.

    13. There are no pretty walks to take at all.

    14. And the towns are all ugly, new-build housing estates.

    15. Plus it's full of scary, unfriendly gangs.

    16. Spring in West Lothian is a downright ugly disaster.

    17. Summer is beyond a joke.

    18. Autumn is seriously dreadful and bleak.

    19. And it looks like total crap in winter.

    20. If you're looking for interesting places to visit in West Lothian, don't bother.

    21. Everyone knows that West Lothian is boring as hell.

    22. You find pretty castles in the Highlands. Not here.

    23. And you won't find any stunning, palatial stately homes either.

    24. Or any enchanting woodland glades.

    25. It's all just a built up, ugly suburb of Edinburgh, basically.

    26. There's honestly nothing at all to recommend it.

    27. You definitely shouldn't hop on a train and visit next weekend.

    28. Seriously, just stay away.