19 Times Siri Was A Massive Fucking Dick To Scottish People

    "I don't understand 'why don't you understand my accent.' But I could search the web for it."

    1. Why must you be so cruel to us, Siri?

    2. What have Scottish people ever done to hurt you?

    3. Someone just wanted information about David Duchovny, Siri. Why are you so evil?

    4. This man does not have a treblecock. He only has one.

    5. Half sex is not a time, Siri, it's a disappointing evening.

    6. "Alarums". Yeah, it's totally impossible to tell what Jeff was referring to there. *eyeroll*

    7. We're not nice? YOU'RE not nice.

    8. This is some Inception level shit, Siri.

    9. What the FUCK is a sex marmion, Siri?

    10. Admit it Siri, you knew what this guy was asking.

    11. Your bias against Scottish people is shamefully clear.

    12. This is not an accurate result, Siri.

    13. He said "where is Cowdenbeath?" Siri. WHERE.

    14. Siri, you are garbage.

    I just asked Siri 'what is the Dundee United score' and this is what happened next......

    15. You know full well he said "I insist." You perv.

    16. This is bollocks, Siri, as well you know.

    Scotland...I think you and Siri need to have a 'friendly chat'

    17. Are you surprised that we get so pissed off with you?

    18. Well yes, this much is clear.

    19. In short, Siri, you're a fucking dick.