19 Things Only People Who Love Cooking But Are Fucking Lazy Will Understand

    Buying all the ingredients for a fancy meal is the same as actually cooking it, right?

    1. You buy posh ingredients and get excited about using them, but then get takeout every night instead.

    2. And do you arrange those ingredients tidily in your cupboards? Ha ha! Do you, balls.

    3. When you do cook (and get into "the zone") you usually don't clean as you go along.

    4. Which means when you decide to make another meal, someone (you) has left things in a shitty mess.

    5. You're a huge fan of "one-pot" meals, because it means you have way fewer dishes to wash.

    6. Leftovers make you happier than anything else in your entire life.

    7. Which means you're a little bit protective of them.

    8. You can't count the number of times you've bought really nice vegetables, then left them to rot.

    9. And when you do cook veg, you're a little bit relaxed about prepping it (to say the least).

    10. You're a genius when it comes to substitutions.

    11. Although your improvisations, DIY solutions, and shortcuts sometimes lead to disaster.

    12. You rarely plan your meals, or, if you do, you don't actually stick to that plan.

    13. You don't get the point of meal-prep companies that promise to take the "misery" out of cooking.

    You either cook an epic meal and get the satisfaction that comes with creating a masterpiece, or microwave a baked bean pizza. There can be no half measures.

    14. You spend literally hours reading recipe books, and looking at tasty videos online.

    15. You watch loads of cookery shows too, and convince yourself you'd win if you were on them.

    16. Because you know what counts as tasty, well-cooked food, you feel ashamed when you cut corners.

    17. You love having dinner parties to show off your cooking skills, but you're rarely ready on time.

    18. So your mates often end up having to help you do lots of chopping, dicing, and other boring stuff.

    19. But your friends usually forgive you because when you do put the effort in, your food is bomb AF.