12 Fucking Annoying Situations That Scottish People Know All Too Well

    "Where are you from?" "Scotland." "OMG NO WAY OCH AYE THE NOO JIMMY HA HA."

    1. When Siri refuses to understand your accent.

    2. When people find out you're Scottish.

    3. When forecasters say it's going to be hot in "the UK" but it turns out they just meant in England.

    4. When you watch Scotland play international football.

    5. When English people overreact to your accent.

    6. When an American tries to claim they're Scottish.

    7. When the novelty of winter wears off.

    8. When people assume all Scottish people know each other.

    9. When you wear a kilt and people won't stop asking if you're commando.

    10. When you get a hangover on holiday.

    11. When you think you're being offered a Tunnocks teacake but it's turns out to be a shit generic one.

    12. And when you try to pay with Scottish notes down south.

    (Screams) "IT'S LEGAL TENDER."