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12 Secrets Dermatologists Will Never Tell You, And 12 Things They Want You To Know

For the HUNDREDTH TIME, we don't just pop pimples and rub lotion on people.

1. Please stop asking us to take a "quick look" at your lumps, bumps, blemishes, and moles.

2. We're not lying about the importance of sunscreen.

3. Which is why we're the party poopers on holiday.

4. Yes, we are "real doctors".

5. And no, we don't just "deal with acne".

6. We don't just deal with skin, either.

7. We never, ever, ever stop studying.

8. Some skin complaints stink to high heaven.

9. And yes, we do see things that genuinely shock us.

10. We're pretty damn hard to gross out, though.

11. Your skin can reveal a lot about your internal health.

12. Parasites can cause some gnarly skin issues as well.

13. You should use a special tool to extract blackheads

14. Pore strips kind of work, but there's not much benefit.

15. Microdermabrasion and peels aren't long-term solutions, either. In fact, they may do more harm than good.

16. When it comes to cleansing your face, our motto is "easy does it". Way too many people scrub too hard.

17. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but most DIY dermatology treatments aren't worth your money.

18. And don't get hung up on expensive moisturisers.

19. Also, there's really no evidence to say that drinking lots of water is good for your skin.

20. Shaving hair doesn't make it grow back thicker, either.

21. We detest those dodgy clickbait adverts that peddle harmful or completely fictional "skin cures".

22. But we can often get equally unbelievable results using genuine medical methods, and it's great.

23. Getting thanked by our patients makes our job worthwhile, and often brings tears to our eyes.

Sweetest thank you card- from a little 8 year old patient!😊#dermatology #grateful #acne #acnespecialist… https://t.co/U28Suz1xGs

Helping children to recover from skin complaints that are making them feel shy, self-conscious, and "different" from their friends always feels amazing.

24. But please, for the love of god, stop shouting this at us:

This post was put together with the help of a Scottish consultant dermatologist with 30 years' experience in the field.