19 Reasons To Never, Ever Date A Scottish Guy

    Who would even want to make out with Ewan McGregor? No one, that's who.

    1. Firstly, they literally never stop flirting.

    2. Plus, let's be honest, they're just not cute at all.

    3. You have to put up with them wearing a kilt all the time.

    4. And they rarely wear anything underneath them.

    5. In fact, they're not great at keeping their clothes on in general.

    6. Sure, they're good at kissing. But that's about it.

    7. And they don't care where they do it, either.

    8. They're disgracefully direct as well.

    9. You'll never get to go out for a romantic meal if you date a Scottish guy.

    10. They don't know how to have a good time, either.

    11. And can you imagine getting married to a Scot?

    12. It just doesn't bear thinking about, frankly.

    13. Some people say Scottish guys are funny; they're really not.

    14. In fact, they take themselves way too seriously.

    15. Scottish men don't suffer fools gladly.

    16. In fact, they speak their mind way too much.

    17. They strip down whenever it's over 14°C.

    18. And, worst of all, they can get you pregnant with a single glance.

    19. So yes, definitely don't date a Scottish guy.