18 "Life Hacks" All Scottish People Grew Up With

    There's a real art to hiding a bottle of Frosty Jack's down the front of your jacket.

    1. Using your football until it looked like a small, sad, frayed, damp sack full of holes.

    2. Making sandwiches out of fuck all.

    3. Saving money on ice cream by freezing Kwenchy Kups, then breaking your teeth on them.

    Chiselling at it with your teeth, trying to turn it upside down then dropping it on the ground #GrowingUpScottish

    Sure they were cheaper than ice lollies, but imagine the dentist bills we'll all face later in life.

    4. Saving up Barr bottles, then returning them so you could buy a shitload of penny sweets.

    5. Patching school dinners in favour of a cheap roll and a packet of crisps from the corner shop.

    6. Or buying food from school, and realising you'd have been better with a roll and crisps after all.

    Here talk aboot the school being skint ,Puttin icing on a hot dog roll and calling it a cake Ahahahahahaha

    Splashing some icing and sprinkles on a dry roll is a pretty clever money saving hack for schools though, tbf.

    7. Having breakfast for dinner when your parents couldn't be arsed going to the shops.

    8. Getting really, really good at hiding booze when you were a teenager getting drunk in parks.

    9. Pooling your pocket money with your pals so that you could afford some extra-strong booze.

    10. Using Sudocrem to solve all of your problems.

    11. Making all of your life decisions using a rubber.

    12. Or using this tried-and-tested method.

    13. Making stilts out of old soup cans, so you could pretend to be a bit taller than you actually were.

    14. Making DIY gazebos out of umbrellas rather than calling off a barbecue because of the rain.

    Scottish barbecues continue whatever the weather. Everyone knows that.

    15. Wanting to go swimming, but not having the money, so getting out the recycling bin instead.

    @shanedawson I used to do the recycling bin swimming pool when I was younger with my friends

    If you didn't have a bin, a bucket would do.

    16. And making water pistols out of Irn-Bru bottles.

    Dain this tae a bottle if ye never hid a water gun #GrowingUpScottish

    It was only warm enough for water fights one day a year, why waste money?

    17. Moving your sofa outside on rare hot days because it wasn't worth buying garden furniture.

    18. And of course, pretending you were sunbathing.