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22 Times Scottish Kids Didn't Give A Single Fuck


1. When this 12-year-old pumpkin carver decided to show off his skills.

2. When this athlete won a gold medal for "lamppost tomfoolery."

3. When this furious, devastated Pokémon Go fan ran away from home.

Ten year old little brother ran away from home because my mum deleted Pokemon go😂😭

It's OK, wee man. Don't worry, it's all backed up on the interwebs.

4. When wee Ross made the best of a bad situation.

5. When Rachael's wee sister did this:

6. And when Rebecca's little brother did this:

7. When this sweary AF kid was sweary AF.

When someone says swearing's unattractive


8. When these utterly terrifying siblings declared their undying affection for each other.

9. When this rebel was extra rebellious.

@GloverKeri wee sister is acc my favourite person ever😂😂😂

She is pretty awesome tbf.

10. When this "adorable Scottish kid" made a terrible mistake.

Watch this adorable Scottish kid immediately regret eating the world's hottest chilli for fun http://t.co/bJHc9u9udf

He was possibly slightly less adorable when he was being sick in a bin.

11. When the Milky Bar Gang struck.

12. And so did the pink leg warmer brigade.

13. When this furious sombrero-wearer just wasn't impressed at all.

When your maw says your no getting fajitas

14. When Daisy was a total banter merchant.

Lol Daisy ur such a ledge!

15. When this shoeless badass just wouldn't be told.

16. When this playa joined Instagram.

My wee brother requested to follow me on insta n i go on to find this HAHAHAH wat

He slays. Every day.

17. And when this one outplayed him.

18. When Nat's wee brother's friends decided to get beach-body ready in his bathroom.

Ma wee brother had friends round and one of them kindly shaved his pubes in ma bath and left them there, nice one 🌝

Who should never, ever be invited back.

19. When Amy got a bit carried away with Photoshop.

20. When this lad took his love of Superman too far.

21. When Jade's wee sister was a tad overdramatic.

I sent my wee sister to her room and she messaged my dad acting as if I flung her downstairs

22. And when Taz decided to solve terrorism.

Just calm down, Scottish kids.