21 Times Tumblr Perfectly Summed Up Being A Human Disaster


    1. Being too lazy to actually reply to texts.

    2. Turning off your feelings.

    3. Saving productivity for the least productive times.

    4. Questioning everything.

    5. Being thrown into the deep end.

    6. Being your own worst enemy.

    7. Flaking on commitments.

    8. Being unprepared for the really difficult questions.

    9. Panicking while shopping.

    10. Successfully doing chores.

    11. Having life-changing naps.

    12. Avoiding all responsibility in the easiest way.

    13. Growing up without really growing up.

    14. Losing all hope.

    15. Being haunted by old memories.

    16. Being terrible at texting.

    17. Dwelling over literally everything.

    18. Waking up. Every single day.

    19. Staying in denial.

    20. Watching rom-coms and seeing happy couples.

    21. And always overreacting to the best of your ability.