21 Things You Know If You're Emotionally Attached To Your Phone

    "The teacher tried to take my phone without realising it was surgically attached to my body."

    1. Your phone is basically your best friend.

    2. You use it to look busy in social situations.

    3. You get separation anxiety if you have to go somewhere where phones are prohibited.

    4. And if someone asks to look at something on your phone, you feel like you've just handed them your newborn.

    5. When you take ages to respond to someone's text, they don't fall for the "I left my phone in another room" excuse.

    6. You can't watch TV without being on your phone at the same time.

    7. If you drop your phone you can physically feel the pain.

    8. And sometimes it feels like you don't have enough hands.

    9. You have to sleep with your phone right by your side.

    10. You could swear you left it on the nightstand but wake up with it in your hand in the morning.

    11. And you've probably had a nightmare or two about losing your phone or cracking the screen.

    12. You've frantically run around in public searching for an outlet to charge your phone before the battery dies.

    When your phone dies in public and you don't know what to do with yourself

    13. You'd rather be late to a social event with your phone fully charged than show up knowing your battery is low.

    14. And you put off updating your phone because you can't bear to be without it even while it updates.

    15. If you aren't wearing clothing with pockets you have to commit to holding your phone in your hand all night.

    16. Sometimes you feel it vibrate in your pocket and when you pull it out there are no notifications.

    17. And sometimes you feel it vibrate in your pocket when it's not even on your person.

    18. Getting a new phone is a big deal.

    19. It's like ending a long term relationship and jumping right into another.

    20. Your phone is like an extra limb.

    the teacher tried to take my phone without realizing it was surgically attached to my body. she fainted when my hand came off

    21. And you couldn't possibly live without it.