24 Things All Sisters With A Small Age Gap Will Remember

    Like twins, but with different birthdays.

    1. You held a grudge against your parents for dressing you in matching clothes.

    2. And you always got asked if you were twins.

    Sometimes you pretended you were.

    3. If you're the older sister, you would boss the younger one around and make her do things for you.

    4. But as the younger sister, you got to copy the older one's homework because you had all the same teachers.

    To be honest, I never do my own homework in there. I just copy it from my sister's homework when she had it last semester.

    5. Your teachers thought it was hilarious to call you by your sister's name.

    6. And even your parents would mix your names up sometimes.

    7. The older sister got annoyed whenever someone thought the younger one was older.

    8. And you competed over literally everything, like being taller and being the first to have boobs.

    9. You were always expected to share everything.

    10. This led to you forming an alliance and plotting against your other siblings.

    11. If you shared a room, it was like a sleepover every night.

    12. You made up a secret language.

    13. And you used diaries to write songs for when you got famous.

    14. You got a free pass to borrow your sister's clothes.

    15. You had all of the same interests because you grew up so close.

    16. But this unfortunately meant she always stole your clothes, too.

    17. But you went through a rebellious period where you refused to like the same things.

    18. You'd pretend you didn't know each other in school.

    19. And the younger sister would throw a tantrum when the older one was allowed to do something she wasn't.

    20. You always had the most dramatic fights.

    21. You could insult each other as much as you wanted.

    22. And you got more and more creative over the years.

    23. But you would never tolerate anyone else insulting your sister.

    24. You've been each other's biggest fans forever, and you're blessed with a lifelong best friend.