23 Struggles Curly-Haired Girls Know Too Well

    Siri, will my hair cooperate with me today?

    1. You can never plan hairstyles ahead.

    2. Sometimes you wake up and look like this.

    3. But most days you look more like this.

    4. You've had people tell you to straighten and re-curl your hair for neater curls.

    5. You probably went through a phase of straightening your fringe.

    6. And if you were really committed you straightened all of your hair.

    7. Which ended up looking like this if you didn't check the weather forecast.

    8. Sometimes people think it's okay to touch your hair.

    9. Or they just really want to pull at your ringlets.

    10. You can't remember the last time you brushed your dry hair.

    11. You've gone through a stupid number of brushes despite this.

    12. And you think that combs are actually a joke.

    13. You go through bobbles at an alarming rate.

    14. Sometimes you find a lost bobble wedged in your hair somewhere.

    15. And you'll go through four bottles of conditioner before you get through one bottle of shampoo.

    people who can finish a shampoo bottle at the same time as conditioner are truly gifted

    16. People often ask you if your hair is natural.

    17. And they don't believe you when you tell them you don't use 1,000 products on it.

    18. You've tried to experiment with different hairstyles.

    19. And if you've ever cut all of your hair off, you had to go through a very awkward phase while growing it out.

    20. You can never re-create the salon look.

    21. And blow-drying is an actual nightmare.

    22. But sometimes, probably on a day you plan on lounging at home, your hair looks luxurious...

    23. And all the selfies you get to take make it worth it.