22 Struggles Of Being An On-Again Off-Again Vegetarian

    Why must meat taste so good?

    1. You've spent years alternating between being a vegetarian and an avid meat lover.

    2. Vegetarians always bash you for "not being a real vegetarian" and they're not wrong.

    3. Your veggie and vegan friends want you to join them.

    4. But your meat loving friends tempt you with delicious treats.

    5. You probably give up meat because it doesn't sit right with you morally.

    6. Which leads to you feeling grossed out by the idea of actually eating an animal.

    7. Every so often you go on a health kick and you're adamant that you're going to give it up FOR REAL this time.

    8. This involves throwing out every piece of meat in your home and spending an awful amount of money on ingredients for fancy veggie recipes.

    9. You even stock up on Quorn meat in an attempt to make the transition easier.

    10. Being around family, especially during the holidays, is always hardest because they expect you to cave.

    11. But despite this, you think you've finally changed and it feels great.

    12. Then one day you order your veggie burger and you internally cry about how good the real burgers look.

    13. God, would you kill for any form of chicken.

    14. And whether you suddenly throw away all your morals in a drunken haze...

    15. ...Or you just really crave all the foods your missing out on.

    16. You'll eventually surrender and feel yourself drifting towards meat again.

    17. You might stay entirely vegetarian with just one exception that you can't let go of.

    18. Or you sneakily eat meat once or twice, while keeping up the public veggie facade.

    19. But you eventually have to reveal to your loved ones that you're back to eating meat again.

    20. So you can make the most of your terribly carnivore ways.

    21. You know you're kind of a hypocrite but you can only do your best.

    22. And you would never claim to be a real vegetarian.