21 Things Millennials Are Doing Pathetically Wrong

    "Did they develop an app for ass wiping?"

    1. They aren't buying enough diamonds.

    2. They apply for jobs online instead of just casually walking into a store and being offered one.

    3. They aren't fixing the environment at an adequate speed or standard.

    4. #They #Physically #Cannot #Speak #In #Sentences #Without #Hashtags

    5. And they're too liberal and easily offended.

    #HowToConfuseAMillennial tell us we're "too easily offended" and then freak out when people say "Happy Holidays" and not "Merry Christmas"

    6. School exams are just so much easier these days.

    7. They put WAY too much money into funding the arts.

    #howtoconfuseamillennial Tell them to follow their passions as long as its not art, dance, music or anything remotely creative

    Because we all know that artists are by far the wealthiest of the population.

    8. And they get into debt for university instead of paying tuition fees out of pocket.

    9. They idolise celebrities.

    Get a real hobby, loser teens.

    10. They are vain and constantly take selfies.

    11. And they are so predictable that anyone with half a brain can benefit off of them.

    haha this is so relatable to me as a millennial! XD thanks @hm

    12. For some unbeknownst reason, very few millennials own property.

    13. And even fewer own land.

    14. They keep making up ridiculous new words.

    15. They are lazy and unfit.

    16. And they just aren't polite.

    17. They are too reliant on technology.

    #HowToConfuseAMillennial tell us to stop being so reliant on technology while you sit there on life support

    18. They dare to read books from materials other than paper.

    19. They google things instead of using encylopedias.

    20. Lord knows they never look up from their phones.

    21. And frankly, millennials are doing just about everything wrong.