31 Things That Should Be Banned In 2015

    The world will be just fine without all of these things.

    1. Pooping selfies.

    2. Funeral selfies.

    3. After-fart selfies.

    4. Mid-fart selfies.

    5. After-sex selfies.

    6. After-sex snapchats.

    7. After-sex Facebook statuses.

    8. Babies.

    9. Children.

    10. Teenagers.

    11. Parents.

    12. Fully grown men.

    13. Men generally.

    Where's "Men in History"? #meninist

    14. White people.

    15. Wind.

    16. Tattoos.

    17. Kissing.


    18. Asking questions.

    19. Ineffectual erasers.

    20. Facial recognition software.

    21. Tinder.

    22. Cosmo sex tips.

    23. Informercials.

    24. Slow walkers.

    25. Asshole cats.

    26. Asshole birds.

    27. Asshole dogs.

    28. Asshole elephants.

    29. Asshole humans.

    30. Humans generally.

    31. The entire universe. Ban it all.