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If You've Competed On A Game Show, We Want To Hear About Your Behind-The-Scenes Experience

I want to know everything!

Unless you live under a rock, I'm going to assume you've watched at least one game show in your lifetime. They're everywhere when you flip through the channels!

Maybe you're even one of the lucky people who has had the chance to compete on a game show! I'm endlessly fascinated by the lives of game show contestants, and I want to know all the juicy behind-the-scenes details, so please give them to me!

Perhaps you were a contestant on Jeopardy a few years back and had the pleasure of meeting Alex Trebek. Multiple episodes are taped in a day and you happened to keep winning, so you were pretty tired by the end of it. As everyone was wrapping up for the day, Alex came over to you to congratulate you on your winning streak and handed you a signed card. You still have it on your desk to this day.

Maybe you competed on a game show where your prize was a lifetime supply of Pringles. At first you were super excited, until you realized a lifetime supply was only three crates. After working your way through the first crate, you started to lose your taste for the snack. By the third crate, you were giving them away to anyone who would take them. Now, you refuse to eat Pringles.

Or, perhaps you loved watching The Price Is Right and always assumed the contestants were chosen at random. Then, you went to an actual taping of the show and learned that audience members are interviewed beforehand, then chosen.

Have you ever been an audience member or a contestant on a game show? Tell us all about your experience! Is it anything like it appears on TV? What are some behind-the-scenes details? Share your story in the comments below. If you wish to remain anonymous, share your story using this form. The most interesting submissions will be featured in a BuzzFeed Community post!