21 Infuriating Screenshots That Prove We Are Living In A Capitalistic Hellscape

    "From now on, no one can request days off anymore."

    1. This boss who thinks they can limit their employees' bodily functions, during a 12-hour shift, no less:

    employee bathroom has a sign that says no pooping

    2. This boss who got mad because he forgot about employees' time off when he made the schedule five hours before the start of the day:

    boss message that no one can request days off and if they don't like that they can find a job somewhere else

    3. This boss who asked other employees to donate their PTO to a sick coworker rather than show an ounce of compassion or consideration:

    announcement left at work asking employees to donate their time off

    4. This boss who thought it was perfectly fine to charge their employees for water:

    water cooler asking people for $5 a month to drink from

    5. This boss who publicly begged for volunteer workers after staff members quit due to low wages:

    post detailing that they are short staffed and would appreciate if anyone can volunteer to work until they find employees

    6. This boss who outright steals their employees' tips:

    post at the register saying that employees do not see their tips because the boss takes them

    7. This boss who changed a policy as it was convenient for them:

    boss message that the procedure employee used to request time off wasn't actually sufficient and they now have a write up

    8. This boss who absolutely lost their marbles and now wants employees to give three months notice before quitting:

    9. This boss who awarded their employee with an extra 10-minute break, but only if they give 24-hours notice before taking it:

    you won a 10-minute break but you have to give 24 hour notice and cannot be added to regular breaks

    10. This boss who didn't post the schedule until 40 minutes before shifts started, yet expected employees to be free and ready to work:

    boss messaging the schedule same-day and asking everyone to be there

    11. This boss who fired their employee of three years over this:

    employee sends a photo of their doctor's note and boss says they still need to come in because if they're able to text then they're able to work

    12. This boss who'd rather force a sick employee to work than find a way to cover for them:

    boss arguing that even if they're sick the employee must still come in

    13. This boss who may need to freshen up on the law:

    boss posting that if employees forget to clock in and out then they are going to forget to pay them and someone responding that withholding pay is illegal

    14. This boss who didn't give clear instructions, then still told a single parent they needed to work past their shift rather than pick up their child:

    boss not caring that a single parent needs to stay and work instead of picking up their child

    15. This boss whose actions were actually proven to be illegal by the Department of Labor:

    email notice that corrections to the paycheck will be made in accordance to the employee handbook and law

    16. This boss who tried to implement this unhinged rule while, of course, paying employees minimum wage:

    boss saying any employee who is late will have to stay an extra 10 minutes for each minute they were late

    17. This boss who punished an employee for dealing with an unexpected emergency:

    person saying that they've been reprimanded for not going into the office after getting a flat tire even though they don't really work from the office

    18. This boss who fired their employee, then contacted them for help after the fact:

    in 25 years, i've never had anyone fire me then expect me to still work

    19. This boss who thinks the best way to motivate employees is by giving them more work, not time off or more pay or anything like that:

    quote on the tv says, the reward for hard work is the opportunity to do more

    20. This boss that does not think sickness of any kind is a reason to miss work:

    due to shortage of staff from the common cold variant and terrile recruitment climate brought by the entitled young generation, we will be suspending PTO and sick pay for all vaccinated and non vaccinated employees

    21. Finally, this boss who must really hate pay transparency laws:

    binder with a note that says, if you get caught talking about or discussing your pay with anyone here you will automatically be suspended for a week

    H/T: r/antiwork, r/ChoosingBeggars