29 Go-To Catchphrases That Parents Have Been Using That Sound Silly But Are Actually Incredibly Wise

    "Go pee up a tree!"

    Parents say the darndest things. Like superheroes or sitcom characters, they all come with their own favorite sayings and catchphrases.

    We recently shared a Reddit thread chock-full of hilarious and adorable mom catchphrases. We then asked the BuzzFeed Community for even more iconic parent catchphrases, and were overwhelmed by the amazing results. Here are some more parent catchphrases you'll want to steal:

    1. "You can go to Disneyland, but you don't have to take Goofy home."

    2. "No hanky panky and no stinky pinky!"

    3. “A hard head makes a soft ass."

    Bow Johnson lecturing

    4. "Tough bunny butts!"

    Beverly Goldberg holding wine and covering her heart

    5. "Wish in one hand and shit in the other. See which one fills up faster."

    Whispering Linda Belcher

    6. “Go pee up a tree.”

    winking Lucille Bluth

    7. "Does the Pope shit in the woods?"

    Smiling Ron Swanson

    8. "Do I look like Boo Boo the Fool to you?"

    Peg Bundy looking skeptical

    9. "Why don’t you stick your foot in the gravy and see if that's what you want.”

    Annoyed Debra Barone

    10. “Don’t have any more problems tomorrow than you have today.”

    Nervous Bob Belcher

    11. "Use the brain you were born with!"

    Stressed Claire Dunphy

    12. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do, and if you do, name it after me."

    Uncle Jesse talking

    13. "You can't get younger, but you can get blonder."

    Sophia from Golden Girls

    14. “Damn, shit, hell.”

    Jamie Lee Curtis in Freaky Friday

    15. "Good! It means you have a head."

    Smiling Lorelai Gilmore

    16. "If it had teeth, it would’ve bitten ya."

    Yelling Gloria from Modern Family

    17. “I’ve taught you everything you know, just not everything I know."

    Ross pointing to his head

    18. "Use your head for more than a hat rack."

    Rochelle Rock looking skeptical

    19. "You're so full of shit that if I gave you an enema, you'd disappear."

    Angry Lois Wilkerson

    20. “Patience, my little whippersnapper!”

    Skeptical Aunt Vivian

    21. “People think their shit don’t stink, but their farts give them away."

    talking Phil Dunphy

    22. “Home again, home again. Jiggity jig.”

    Betty White

    23. “Up your nose with a rubber hose."

    giggling Maggie Clarke from Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist

    24. "Drive fast, take chances."

    Dre Johnson laughing

    25. “You might be a pain, but you’re not made of glass.”

    Dancing and laughing Marge Simpson

    26. “What’s that got to do with the price of tomatoes?”

    Confused Carol Brady

    27. "Sit on your thumb and let your feet hang over."

    Excited Mrs. Incredible

    28. "Run from the serial killer!"

    Lucy Ricardo with her tongue out

    29. Finally: “The world would be very boring if we were all the same.”

    Smiling Fran Fine

    Do you have a family member with a fun catchphrase? Tell us in the comments!

    Note: Submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.