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I Am Seething With Rage After Reading These Messages From The World's Most Entitled Siblings

It's a good day to be an only child.

1. This sister who is on an unconventional job hunt:

text screenshot

2. This brother who was greedy when he should've been grateful: 

3. This sister who thought she could play the "sister" card:

4. This brother who had the gall to complain about his new car:

5. This sister who is never satisfied:

6. This begging brother: 

screenshot of texts
screenshot of texts

7. This sister who sounds like the stingy one to me:

8. This belligerent brother: 

screenshot of texts

9. This sister who wasn't gonna offer payment:

screenshot of texts
screenshot of texts

10. This brother who sent out a wish list:

11. This picky and persistent sister: 

12. This bully of a brother: 

13. This sister who tried to work out a deal: 

14. This sister who got caught being sneaky:

15. This snarky sister who wants her free gym time:

16. This sister who tried to play dirty: 

17. Finally, this sister who basically wanted a free Uber service:

People piss me off. Check out r/ChoosingBeggars if you want to scroll through more infuriating content!