Fair Warning, These 17 Messages From Entitled People Will Make Your Blood Boil

    "You can get experience and exposure."

    1. This teacher who just got schooled: 

    2. This picky parent:

    3. This person who was "not willing to pay":

    4. This person who severely underestimated the difficulty of photography: 

    5. This person who didn't know when to stop bargaining: 

    6. This fake friend looking for a favor:

    7. This person who wanted some free fun:

    8. This person with a confusing request: 

    9. This incredible irony:

    10. This person who seems a bit confused about how jobs work:

    11. This low-baller: 

    12. This teen TikTok "star" trying to use their clout: 

    13. This person who went from cutesy to crusty real fast: 

    14. This belligerent bargainer: 

    15. This choosy beggar who actually started begging:

    16. This person trying an emotional appeal:

    17. Finally, this not-so-cool person getting what they deserve: 

    Aaaand, now I'm mad. Check out r/choosingbeggars on Reddit for even more infuriating encounters!