22 Faces All Singers Have Definitely Made

    Sorry honey, I'm on vocal rest.

    1. When you find a new song you're dying to work on, but you need to get your voice teacher on board:

    2. When you try singing a song that is tragically out of your range:

    3. When you forget the words to your song:

    4. When you are asked to sight-read:

    5. When you finally hit the big note you've been working on:

    6. When you try to clean out your binders of sheet music:

    7. When it's allergy season so you can't sing without getting a gunk ball in your throat:

    8. When you hear an old recording of yourself singing:

    9. When your voice teacher has you sing through a straw:

    10. When you know damn well you need to practice:

    11. When you realize you accidentally ate dairy before needing to sing:

    12. When you take that first sip of Throat Coat tea:

    13. When you hear someone "screlting" with all their might:

    14. When you turn a note you can't reach into an acting moment:

    15. When you take that first hit from your steamer or vaporizer:

    16. When your non-singer friend begs you to do karaoke:

    17. When it's obvious you haven't practiced:

    18. When you need to ground your breath, so you end up doing ridiculous poses on the floor:

    19. When the song you hate the most is the one that keeps getting stuck in your head:

    20. When you curate the perfect sing-along playlist for your next car trip:

    21. When you hear a doorbell or clock chime and can't resist harmonizing:

    22. Finally, when some asshat tries to argue that performers have it easy: