15 Adverts That Are Probably Embedded In The Memory Of Every Brit

    Daddy or chips?!

    We recently shared some adverts that are seared into the memory of every single member of the British public – here are some more they said they'll never forget!

    1. These little lads taught us everything about traffic safety:

    2. And thanks to these guys, thinking about letting the juice loose in the hoose is the best part of eating Winegums.

    3. We can all agree that Howard is the MVP of the finance world.

    4. And if you aren't scarred by this belly, are you even British?

    5. The red car and a blue car had a race, and the rest is history.

    6. Remember when Nicole Scherzinger got it on with a yoghurt in the back of a car?

    7. "You've been Tangoed" reminds us that the '90s were a much simpler time.

    8. And Joan Collins singlehandedly redefined "hangry" here:

    9. The moves, the tune, the snacks – this guy had it all.

    10. And I bet you can't resist singing along to this classic:

    11. The '00s were an ~experimental~ time for milkshake ads, as proven by this flat-cap wearing cat.

    12. And I don't know about you, but I literally cannot get Mr. Soft out of my head.

    13. This ad might have been better than the actual drink, TBH.

    14. I think we all know the answer to this question:

    15. And finally, I know for a fact that you can HEAR this woman:

    What adverts could you never get out of your head? Tell us in the comments!