16 Things Every Australian Who Is 26 Now Did When They Were 18

    2008 and 2009: now those were the golden years.

    1. Drank Vodka Cruisers in every flavour at pre-drinks, while wishing they were sold in bars.

    2. Complained about the ~alcopop tax~ that Kevin Rudd introduced.

    3. You also complained about the law that stopped all P-platers from being deso drivers.

    4. Big Brother was axed and you wondered if you even would have applied if you could have.

    5. When you went out, you took a digital camera with you so you could take countless photos on the dance floor.

    6. One of the best photos to take was of everyone's feet.

    7. And when you were on the dance floor you got so ~low~ to Flo Rida you weren't sure you'd ever make it back up.

    8. Usher's "Love In This Club" was another epic DF sing-a-long.

    9. And it was always delightfully awkward watching people who thought they could do the Soulja Boy dance.

    10. The best song of the time was naturally Beyoncé's "Single Ladies".

    11. You wanted to own an iPhone so damn bad.

    12. You also ~needed~ tickets to Soundwave, Big Day Out, Good Vibrations, or Parklife depending on what kind of music you listened to.

    13. And when you were at the festival you wore sunglasses that took up half your face.

    14. Cringing at people who were still wearing their Kevin '07 shirts was a popular past time.

    15. You saw Twilight at the movies even though you knew you were ~too old~ for it since you were 18 now.

    16. And you constantly wrote third-person Facebook status' about your new life as an adult.