I Gave My Co-Workers A Kylie Jenner Makeover

    And proved Instagram should never be trusted.

    Kylie Jenner is queen of the Instagram selfie. It's literally undeniable.

    As a forever fan of Instagram, I find it important that I remind myself - and others - that photos posted on social media CANNOT BE TRUSTED.

    To prove my point, I assigned myself the task of turning our BuzzFeed Australia team into an army of Kylizzles.

    Nick into Nickizzle

    His thoughts: Jesus fuck.

    My thoughts: 10/10 should be a Kardashian.

    Jemima into Jemizzle

    Her thoughts: I actually love this. I look very much like an anime character but if my nose and lips weren't so ridonk in this photo I would be using it everywhere. Also plz teach me to contour/bronzer/makeup like that. Thanks.

    My thoughts: Jemizzle rocks a red lip like nobody's business. Filter or no filter. Also, Jemizzle is an excellent, excellent name.

    Alex into Alizzle

    Her thoughts: This is everything I've ever wanted. Is there somewhere near work where I can get my eyeballs whitened?

    My thoughts: Lips in photo one and two would make Kylizzle (and her hair) green with envy.

    Brad into Brizzle

    His thoughts: Bad before, worse after.

    My thoughts: Both stunning <3

    Stephanie into Stephizzle

    Her thoughts: This is like, a LOT, but it's also #goals. I love it and I'm going to take down all my Instagram photos and re-upload them after I filter them to fuck and back. Probably not really, but whatever.

    My thoughts: What have I created?

    Dean into Deanizzle

    His thoughts: Considering growing my hair out.

    My thoughts: Kylie's hair extensions on fleek, clearly.

    Jenna into Jennizzle

    Her thoughts: ARGH! KILL IT! KILL IT WITH FIRE!

    My thoughts: Agreed.

    Lane into Lanizzle

    Her thoughts: I don't even know what to say.

    My thoughts: Alternate post: If Lane Worked At MAC Not BuzzFeed.

    Mark into Markizzle

    His thoughts: Holy shit I am straight up babe... I look like a glam Amy Winehouse and I am OK with it.

    My thoughts: Mark looks very #goth here.

    Tahlia into Tahlizzle

    Her thoughts: I've always wondered what I'd look like with botox and now I have my answer. Thank you technology. Can get on board with that whole skin tone though.

    My thoughts: Like, I feel a little frightened of Tahlizzle but I'm sure she's just as lovely as Tahlia.

    Anna into Annizzle

    Her thoughts: I think I just ate something I'm allergic to.

    My thoughts: R U OK ANNA?

    See you guys?! INSTAGRAM CAN LIE TO US ALL.

    Lucky for our team, everyone is flawless in EVERY photo.

    Love you guys.

    And Instagram.

    And Kylie.

    If you want to Kylizzle yourself, try an app (or three) and please, share it below.