16 Faces That Everyone Dealing With Seasonal Allergies Right Now Will Recognize

    Anyone got a tissue??

    1. First, this what your face looks like after you've been rubbing your eyes, and you catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror:

    2. And this is the face you make when you feel a big huge sneeze marathon coming on:

    3. And this is when you try to hold it in:

    4. This is your face after you spend half an hour in a park...

    5. And this is basically you when your friends are like "omg it's so nice out!! let's go for a walk or something???"

    6. This is what it's like when you can't stop coughing...

    7. But this is what it's like when you meet someone with allergies that are just as bad as yours:

    8. This is you in the morning, when you check the pollen forecast for the day:

    9. And this is you when it gets windy, and you prepare to say good-bye to your loved ones.

    10. This is your face when you're trying to concentrate on something, but you know you're about to sneeze:

    11. This is when you've blown your nose so often that it's rubbed raw:

    12. This is your face when you're pretty sure you've wiped your nose clean, except you haven't:

    13. This is you when you finally cave at the drugstore and buy allergy meds:

    14. And this is what it's like when they FINALLY kick in...

    15. Unless you forgot to get the non-drowsy kind — in that case, your face just looks like this:

    16. And this is when you end up sneezing a bunch anyway:

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    This post was translated from Spanish.