16 Things Non-Foodies Will Understand

    Do you live to eat? Or eat to live?

    1. Putting ketchup on everything.

    2. Constantly hearing "Are you seriously going to eat that?"

    3. Ordering the first thing you see on the menu.

    4. Decorating your apartment with assorted wrappers.

    5. The torture that is running into the "craft beer guy" at the party.

    6. Having the lamest answers to the "What is your favorite food?" question.

    7. Being bored by people's culinary adventures.

    8. Wishing you could order off the kids menu.

    9. Constantly asking yourself, "Am I supposed to eat this?"

    10. The dreaded "What are you in the mood for?" question.

    11. Never being dissatisfied with a frozen meal.

    12. Finally deciding to buy ingredients but then just eating the ingredients separately.

    13. When the waiter asks, "What kind of vodka do you want?"

    14. Overwhelming grocery shopping trips.

    15. Not knowing if this is pâté or chocolate mousse.

    16. Cereal for every meal!

    Rebecca Black said it best.