We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and its publishing partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

    34 TikTok-Approved Products So Helpful For A Bunch Of Small Problems

    A purse cleaner, bagel slicer, and more helpful products that TikTok viewers adore.

    1. A lil' octopus-shaped blackhead remover to help extract blackheads, whiteheads, and other impurities clogging up your pores. You'll be so glad to ~sea~ your complexion with less bumps and smoother areas after using this cutie.

    A black small octopus shaped remover in a reviewer's hand
    the cap off to show the salt on the top of the remover

    Promising reviews: "I saw this on TikTok, it works great so far." —MarMarManuel

    "I have never reviewed anything on Amazon before. The minute I used this product, I ran to write a review. My entire life, I have had perfect skin. I didn’t use any products, masks, moisturizer, nothing. It was a blessing. I had a baby and ever since, my skin has been horrible, especially my nose. Pores so filled even estheticians couldn’t help me. One use of this scrubber and I see a NOTICEABLE difference. It’s honestly incredible. I’m finally feeling like myself again. HIGHLY recommend!" —Cristian

    Get it from Amazon for $12.50

    2. A portable charger you'll probably sing praises for, because it doesn't require any cords. When your phone battery is running low, plug it into the dock and it'll instantly charge it up. The dock also powers up while it charges your phone, so both will be ready whenever you need them on a flight or vacation stay.

    Note: This small gadget can charge an iPhone 8 1.5 times and an iPhone X one full time on a single charge.

    Check it out on TikTok here

    Promising review: "The holy grail of portable chargers!!! I was traveling to Disney for vacation, and knowing me, I would drain my battery with just taking pictures alone. I wanted a portable battery but didn’t want to carry a cord either, so I was excited when I found this little baby! It does exactly as described and I get one full charge of battery for my phone. Get it: You will not be disappointed!" —Meghan Doble

    Get it from Amazon for $29.99+ (available in six colors).

    3. Or! A 3-in-1 foldable magnetic wireless charger to keep all your tech devices (iPhones, AirPods, and Apple Watches) powered up on the go. This gem folds out into a rectangular charging station, so you can charge multiple electronics at the same time. Plus, it takes up minimal space in a carry-on or suitcase. BRB, adding this to my wishlist before my next trip!

    The white charger pad laid out to charge a phone, watch, and AirPods
    Reviewer pulling out the black version from its compact size all the way out to the three part mat

    See it in action on TikTok here

    Promising review: "I use this product to charge my IPhone 13, AirPods, and Apple Watch. Prior to this 3-in-1 compact purchase, I have purchased three different kinds of 3-in-1 chargers — I frequently travel between school and home with carry-on bags on airlines and all of the previous stand version chargers doesn't fit well in my bags or I am always worried I would break. This is compact and folds so well that I can fit in my carry-on or in any zipper pockets without having to worry about breaking anything. Charger works really well and it is the best compact one you can find in market. Love it and been using it for two months now and no issues!!" —SBREDDY

    Get it from Amazon for $39.99 (available in nine colors). 

    4. A pet hair remover that'll immediately roll away lots of fur on your bedding and couch cushions. If your pet loves to leave a fluffy mess around your home, this reusable tool will be game changing for a deep clean.

    GIF of reviewer using the chom chom roller to remove fur from a couch
    reviewer image of a chom chom roller open to reveal all the collected pet hair inside

    Promising review: "GAME CHANGER! I have both cats and dogs at home. One of my dogs loves to sleep in the bed, under the blankets. She has pretty fine fur and tends to shed a good bit so there always seems to be dog hair in my bed where she has laid. I had seen this in a few BuzzFeed articles and on TikTok but I was pretty hesitant to buy it because of the price and being skeptical that it worked. I am SHOCKED by how amazing this thing is! IT PICKS UP SO MUCH PET HAIR!! It’s super easy to use and clean which is also a plus. I use this on my bed where my dog sleeps and it does such a great job at picking up her hair that you can’t even tell that she’s laid in the bed all day! I can’t say anything negative about this. I plan to buy a couple more to keep in different rooms where my pets like to be on furniture! If you have pets, then you NEED a ChomChom!!" —Melissa Eggleton

    Get it from Amazon for $31.95.

    5. A set of reusable silicone Nippies so you can comfortably wear your favorite dress *or* top and not think, "ooo is my bra strap showing?" the entire time. Reviewers love these nipple covers because they're seamless under clothes and stay in place, whether you're at the gym or dancing up a storm at a party.

    Beige nipple covers in a case
    b&a of reviewer wearing green tee without Nippie cover (left) and with Nippie cover (right)

    BuzzFeed editor Natalie Brown tried these and raves: "I've worn them four or five times now, washing with hand soap and water afterward every time as directed, and they're exactly what I needed! It's simple: you stick 'em onto clean, dry, lotion-free skin, and they stay put and comfy for hours, even through moderate sweat. They've performed perfectly every time I've worn them: for day-long shopping excursions, outdoor parties, and for nights out dancing. They come in a small reusable storage box with two stiff plastic domes for them to sit on, so they'll stay perfectly intact and dust-free in your drawer and are easy to pack for travel. Oh and over 14,000 reviewers — like, five times the number of people in my high school graduating class — have rated them 5-stars on Amazon, so I know I'm not alone in my success with them!"

    Promising review: "Obsessed with these. Best stickies I’ve ever had. I saw them on TikTok and tried them out, so glad I did." —satisfied customer

    Get it from Amazon for $26.50 (available in two sizes and five shades). 

    6. The Pink Stuff cleaning paste that's popular on TikTok for a reason — it'll tackle stubborn stains on your stove, bathroom sink, kitchen tiles, and more surfaces that've been neglected at home. Scrubbing? We don't have time for that if there's a mess that needs to *poof* disappear without a lot of elbow grease.

    See it in action on TikTok here.

    This all-purpose and vegan paste is great for removing rust, hard water stains, grease, and more messes! To use, just apply it to a surface with a damp cloth, gently rub it in, rinse it off with water, and polish the area with a dry cloth.

    Promising review: "Found this product on TikTok. I don’t think I’ve ever seen value like I do this product! Literally use it on EVERYTHING! Kids and teens have dirt, grime, and, grease on their walls? This will make it look like a new paint job. Baseboards need some love? A pea-size amount of this makes them look brand new. Need a shoe cleaner? PERFECT for sneakers. I could name a million more uses, but I can ASSURE you this is worth every penny. What’s more? You need such LITTLE of this product, it will last a VERY long time. Thank you, TikTok!" —Rachel in CLT

    Get it from Amazon for $5.97.

    7. TikTok-famous cloud magnetic key holder for the wall near your bed, desk, or hallway. It can hold up to three key rings at a time and it'll look so cute in your living space! Avoid the annoying problem of "where the heck are my keys?" if you're rushing out the door.

    Check it out on TikTok here.

    Promising review: "I bought this product almost two years ago for my college apartment and it's the best thing I ever bought! Perfect place to hang my keys up when I get home and I never lose them! It also looks very cute and simple. The adhesive is really strong and the magnet in it super strong as well. It holds up my apartment keys, my car keys, and my boyfriend's heavy Audi keys perfectly fine. Love it." —Meghan Consadene

    Get it from Amazon for $7.98.

    8. E.l.f.'s Poreless Putty Primer that'll create the perf canvas for your makeup *and* help smooth over pores. It'll grip onto concealer and foundation and lock it in place, so you won't have to take out a brush for touch-ups! Andd it's made with squalane that'll help hydrate your skin.

    reviewer wearing the primer under their makeup showing their flawless foundation application
    another reviewer wearing the primer under makeup

    This beauty essential is also made with squalane that'll help hydrate your skin.

    See it in action on TikTok here.

    Promising review: "I saw this on TikTok and thought I'd take a chance. I have sensitive skin and have to watch what I use. I LOVE this product! Goes on smooth and you don't need to use a lot. I put it on before I put on my foundation. Makes a huge difference. Highly recommend and will buy again!!" —Leslie Mattingly

    Get it from Amazon for $9.99.

    9. A pack of AirPod putty cleaners to carefully remove all the gross gunk from your AirPods. Gently press a flexible square into one of your AirPod speakers, peel it off, and you'll be amazed to see all the earwax it picks up! (Peep at the amazing results below to see just how much earwax and debris could be lurking on your headphones...🤢)

    Cleaning tech gadgets (including AirPods) can be tricky, so use one of these putty cleaners instead of harsh cleaners or cloths to get the job done!

    See it in action on TikTok here

    Promising review: "I use my AirPods every single day to listen to music at work. I only use one AirPod just in case my boss needs my attention. I had noticed that I could barely hear anything through my AirPod, even though I had the volume all the way up. I saw this putty in a BuzzFeed article and so decided to order and test it. I’m writing this about two minutes after using it and I am amazed with how well it works! It got all the gunk out and the sound is amazing, I don’t need to have the volume up very much to be able to hear everything anymore. If you have literally any doubts about this product, forget them. This stuff works great and is a great price for the amount you get. You get 12 squares of putty; I used a whole one to clean my AirPod, thought I suspect you could clean both AirPods with just one square." —Katelyn

    Get a 24-pack from Amazon for $15.99.

    10. And a pair of AirPod ear hooks because your AirPods are always falling out at the most inconvenient times (raise your hand if you've lost an AirPod while working out 😒). Slide these cushy hooks onto each AirPod and they'll stay in place.

    reviewer wears the white AirPod hooks over ears while wearing AirPods to gym
    the white AirPod hooks around base of white AirPods

    Check them out on TikTok here.

    Promising review: "The best solution ever. I have an awkward shaped ear canal and struggle to find earbuds that I like and that are comfy, and I LOVE my AirPods but they don’t fit snug enough for me to work out in them (one actually flew off on the treadmill and I stopped wearing them to the gym since then) but these hooks are AMAZING. They are so comfortable you don’t even notice they’re there and it provides the perfect amount of security for running/jumping around. So happy I tried these out. If you’re thinking of buying them just do it." —Larissa

    Get a pair from Amazon for $9.99.

    11. A Revlon dual dryer and brush that'll dry and style your hair at the same time. Its three heat settings will get to work on wet strands, while its rounded edges and an oval brush design increase volume and curl your ends. Topping it off is a ceramic-coated barrel that acts as a shield against heat damage.

    Revlon dual dryer and brush
    pic of reviewer with styled, blown out hair

    Check it out on TikTok here.

    Promising review: "OH MY LANTA. PURCHASE THIS NOW. YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT. I found this one TikTok and saw the gal's review and had to buy it. I have thick hair, and this dries my hair in less than 15 minutes. PLUS, I don’t have to fuss with a straightener or a curling iron if I don’t want to!! It leaves my hair so soft and shiny and gives it SO MUCH VOLUME! I recommend this to ANYONE I talk to about it. Seriously, my favorite styling tool. Seriously, so in love." —Sydney

    Get it from Amazon for $38.98+ (available in three styles).

    12. jewelry-cleaning pen to get your rings sparkling again with the help of some micro-fine cleansers. If you've spotted dull diamonds or hard-to-remove scuffs on your favorite baubles, this lil' tool will take care of them.

    Promising review: "I absolutely love this product. I saw it on TikTok and figured I would give it a try. My grandmother passed away almost eight years ago, and she left me her first engagement ring in her will. I have tried so many jewelry cleaners, toothpaste and toothbrush, you name it, tried everything except for sending it away to get cleaned. I ordered the Diamond Dazzle Stik on Thursday and it arrived the following Saturday, fast shipping! Today is Sunday and I cleaned my ring with the Diamond Dazzle Stik. My ring is just as shiny as it was when my grandfather bought it for my grandmother many many years ago. I will definitely use this Diamond Dazzle Stik on all my jewelry. Highly recommended!" —Heather

    Get it from Amazon for $7.99.

    13. A Takeya cold brew maker that'll give you amazing iced coffee whenever you want. It's easy to use and will save you money (spending $5 on a cold brew frequently gets expensive). You can teach yourself how to be a barista without leaving your kitchen.

    BuzzFeed editor Maitland Quitmeyer shows her Takeya cold brew maker next to a glass of iced coffee in her kitchen
    GIF of Maitland pouring cold brew coffee into a glass filled with ice
    Maitland Quitmeyer / BuzzFeed

    You'll get a Takeya cold brew pitcher, ultra-fine mesh filter, and instructions to help you brew delicious iced coffee.

    Just pour French press ground beans into the fine-mesh filter, screw the filter into the lid of the pitcher, pour water into the pitcher, drop the filter into the pitcher, and place the pitcher in the fridge to brew up to 36 hours. Once it's ready, you'll have fresh cold brew coffee to drink whenever you need a pick-me-up. ☕

    Check it out on TikTok here.

    BuzzFeed editor Maitland Quitmeyer swears by this coffee gadget and said: "It's so delish, it makes mornings far more bearable. It’s also great for keeping in the office when that 3 p.m. slump hits but you don’t feel like going to a coffee shop (or spending $5 on cold brew)." Read more of her Takeya cold brew maker review.

    Get it from Amazon for $27.99+ (also available in a 2-quart size and three colors).

    14. And a sturdy glass tumbler so you can bring your homemade cold brew on the go and not have to make a Starbucks run.  Plus, your fave caffeine beverage will stay chilled for hours, according to reviewers who adore this beautiful vessel. 

    person holding the pink tumbler
    reviewer holding the tumbler with coffee inside

    Check it out on TikTok here

    Promising review: "I saw this product on TIkTok and automatically liked it! I love that it comes in so many different colors and the top is wood. I drink lots of water and needed a cup I could take with me everywhere. I could also put iced coffee in it too. I love that it came with two straws a clear one and white. I will be purchasing another one for my husband and also one for my mom in different colors!" —Rose

    Get it from Amazon for $15.99+ (available in 24 colors and in 2-packs).

    15. An acupressure mat and pillow set because your bod is so dang tight after exercising at the gym or sitting at a desk. It can help reduce tension, thanks to over 7,000 (!!!) small acupressure points that target muscles. Lay down on both for 10–30 minutes if you need a little relief. 

    A model resting on a gray mat with circular acupressure spikes  on a couch
    reviewer pic of same acupressure mat and pillow in a light green color

    Check it out on TikTok here.

    Promising review: "Honestly a friend sent me a TikTok video on this item. I was like for $20 I'll try it, and oh my god, I have lower back problems and 20 minutes lying on this spiking mat helped relieve pressure. I work remotely and am sitting down for 8 to 10 hours a day, so tension builds up and this totally worked. So many ways to try using the mat." —Arlington Ink

    Get it from Amazon for $23.86+ (available in seven colors).

    16. set of makeup sponges that'll blend face makeup with ease, so you don't have to use your fingertips and risk irritating your skin. They can be used with BB cream, concealer, foundation, and powder-based formulas. Plus, they won't leave streaks or smudges during the application process. 

    pic of reviewer with foundation blended on their face from the sponge
    set of pink, purple, blue, and yellow makeup sponges

    Promising reviews: "Don't hesitate, just buy these. I was using the Real Technique sponges for years and I bought these on a whim after seeing several TikToks praising these. I apply liquid foundation with a damp sponge and these work better than Real Techniques. They are dense but soft and 'bouncy.' I wash mine between each use and these hold up very well and much longer than the RT. Very happy with my purchase and the price. Will definitely continue to buy." —chris

    "I love these makeup sponges. I am new to makeup and still learning, and these sponges are great for blending. I only use liquid concealer and foundation, and the makeup sponges blend my makeup products perfectly. They are a pretty good size, too. I use the pointy part for under my eyes and other hard-to-reach places." —Amazon Customer

    Get a set of five from Amazon for $9.99+ (available in nine colors).

    17. And a facial applicator brush to make applying skincare treatments a breeze and less time-consuming. With soft bristles and a sturdy handle, you'll be *painting* masks and serums on your face like a pro without getting your fingers covered in product.

    See it on TikTok here

    Promising reviews: "I absolutely love these. I saw them on TikTok and ordered them right away. I've been using them for months now and they make applying masks so much easier. I get a much more even application than I did with my hands or with other brushes. Extremely easy to use, clean, and store. Love, love, love!" —Caterina

    "I bough these cause I saw them in a TikTok and it does make a huge difference when applying a mask. I used to use brushes and it was hard to clean them so I threw them away and now use these. They’re made of silicone with makes it easier to clean." —Alisson

    Get a 2-pack from Amazon for $5.85.

    18. A rotating digital alarm clock because you've slept through way too many alarms on your smartphone. This high-tech gem has a wake-up alarm, a mirrored screen, and two USB ports. Charge all your devices and wake up on time!

    See it in action on TikTok here.

    Promising reviews: "I love this TikTok clock. Here’s another 'TikTok/BuzzFeed brought me here' post. The clock is adorable and a modern thin clock that doesn’t look cheap, even though it is." —Tanitha Gaither

    "I love this clock it looks very nice. I like that the numbers are very easy to read and it gives you the option if you want to use the 12-hour feature or the 24-hour feature. I also like that it has ports on the side so that I can charge up my phone etc. You can also control the brightness on it. I'm a type of person that likes to sleep in a room that's pitch black usually, but with the brightness feature, I can find a setting that's not going to interfere with my sleep or agitate me in the night. —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $24.59 (available in five colors).

    19. A hair claw clip to keep your hair up and give a '90s vibe to any outfit. A secure grip keeps strands in place, so you can go about your day without hair problems. It also comes in a bunch of colors for easy styling.

    reviewer wearing light pink claw clip in light brown hair
    reviewer pic of colorful hair claw clips in a line

    See them in action on TikTok here.

    Promising review: "I will admit I bought these from seeing them on TikTok and I needed new clips for my thick hair. I am not disappointed and beyond glad I got them. The colors are gorgeous and they stay put without hurting my head. I'm very impressed." —Amazon Customer

    Get a 4-pack from Amazon for $13.99 (available in 15 sets).

    20. A pair of Wad-Free attachments for your bedsheets that are always jumbling themselves up in a ball in the dryer. Slide one on each sheet, place the sheets in the dryer, and they'll be tangle free when you take them out.

    the wad free pads attached to a bed sheet

    Check them out on TikTok here.

    Promising review: "THIS ACTUALLY WORKS! I saw a TikTok about these and decided to order. Sheets balling all up in the washer and dryer has been a pet peeve of mine for forever. I was super skeptical of these, but I tried it, and it works as advertised! It’s a little on the expensive side IMO, and that’s kinda holding me back from purchasing a second set, but they really do work." —StrangerThings

    Get a pair from Amazon for $19.99.

    21. A slim magnetic stove shelf because it'll magically give you extra space for condiments, spices, and oils, especially if you have a small kitchen. Place this on top of your stove and you'll have all the cooking essentials you'll need within arm's reach.

    StoveShelf is a small business that sells different-sized stove shelves for kitchen storage and organization.

    Check it out on TikTok here.

    Promising review: "There was no set up...Take it out of the box and place it on the stove. The magnets are very strong keeping the shelf fixed in place. The magnets are raised allowing air flow underneath preventing the shelf from heating up. Sizing was perfect. I love it!" —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $39.99 (available in three sizes and in six finishes). 

    22. A rechargeable electric lighter that'll replace your old box of matches and make lighting larger, deeper candles quick and easy. It has a long design that'll easily reach wicks and it's windproof. Now you can make your space more cozy and avoid accidentally burning yourself when you reach a hot match into a low candle.

    A rose gold lighter with an electric current
    BuzzFeed editor lighting a candle
    Emma Lord/BuzzFeed

    BuzzFeed writer Emma Lord owns this gadget and said: "This also comes in other pretty colors, but I am especially partial to this one because I bought it for my parents (their kitchen is entirely pink and one of my favorite places on Earth), and this was SO EASY to use — not to mention super safe! I'm a big weenie about fire (LOL, self-preservation) so I've always stuck to extended-arm gas lighters, but this is much better for the environment (plus cuter), so I feel a lot better about using it. You can read my full review of the Leejie electric lighter for more deets!"

    Promising review: "Works like a charm. I saw this on a TikTok. Knew immediately that I needed it. I love candles and this is so much better than a match or lighter. It’s kept a charge for months. I use it several times a month." —dwhite3012

    Get it from Amazon for $13.99 (available in four colors).

    23. Leakproof travel capsules for anyone who needs to bring lil' essentials on their next trip. These small, TSA-compliant vessels securely hold face creams, dainty jewelry, and vitamins, *and* they have a cool, colorful design. They're also magnetic, so they'll stay together in a cosmetics bag or suitcase compartment.

    hand pulls out same capsules all stacked together in a white color from cosmetics bag
    blue and white mini capsules filled with skin creams, vitamins, and jewelry

    Cadence is a woman-owned small business specializing in personal care travel solutions. Each mini capsule is created from recycled ocean-bound plastic and is refillable and reusable!

    Check them out on TikTok here.

    BuzzFeed writer Jasmin Sandal uses these travel capsules and said: "I love my little containers that allow me to downsize but still carry my necessities while I'm traveling. They're not only cute to look at but they're pretty practical. I have used mine to store my vitamins, earrings, and face cream and have not run into any issues. They have tight, screw-on tops so you know everything is secure *and* you can customize their labels so you know exactly what's in what. Oh, and the fact that they're magnetic? Genius. This way, they stay tightly together in your case or can be conveniently stored in a makeup bag." 

    Promising review: "This is my go-to for all my travel, gym, camping trips. I can keep enough for four to five days of skincare. The best set I've had for carry-on toiletries." —Cadence Customer

    Get a set of six from Cadence for $76 (originally $84; available in individual capsules, bundles of three or six, and eight colors).

    24. A shampoo scalp massager with silicone bristles that'll feel so darn relaxing in the shower. It gently deep cleans your scalp and helps distribute shampoo at the same time, so you're not left with product buildup or flakes in your hair.

    BuzzFeed editor holding pink scalp massager with silicone bristles
    editor showing other side where there's a gripper for fingers
    Emma Lord/BuzzFeed

    Check it out in action on TikTok here!

    Promising review: "I saw this little thing all over TikTok and everyone swore by it. To be honest, they’re right and I now swear by it. It’s perfectly soft and sturdy to massage the scalp. Works shampoo into roots, helps with dry skin and such. I absolutely love it and I use it every time I wash my hair. I most definitely would recommend to anyone. Don’t hesitate." —Z

    Get it from Amazon for $6.98+ (available in three colors).

    25. Bissell multipurpose carpet and upholstery cleaner pet owners swear by, because it helps eliminate stains that are an eyesore around the house. If your pet had an accident on the couch *or* left mud prints on a carpet, this compact gadget removes messes with warm water and an odor-eliminating formula. This cleaning essential's next-level spray and suction capabilities will help tidy your furniture, car seats, and carpets covered in stains.

    reviewer image of the green portable cleaner
    before and after pic of pee stained couch freshly cleaned

    Each cleaner comes with a trial size of Bissell's Spot & Stain Formula, and you can buy a full-size bottle on Amazon for $12.99

    Promising review: "Yep! TikTok made me buy it and I loved it. Looked for it online, and on Walmart they were about $150 for some reason?? Got it here, and I am LOVING IT. Things definitely look cleaner. Spots on my carpet are gone, and my car seats look brand new for the first time since I bought it! Directions are easy. Just a heads up, MAKE SURE TO USE WARM WATER. if you leave water in it and it gets cold, it's not as effective, so just follow instructions and it should be wonderful!" —Carlos 

    Get it from Amazon for $123.59.  

    26. And a bagless, touchless stationary vacuum so you can bid farewell to flimsy dustpans that make messes worse. Just sweep debris towards this high-tech gadget and it'll instantly suck it up for you — you'll be glad that pile of fur and dirt is GONE and out of sight.

    gray and black bagless, touchless stationary vacuum next to broom
    GIF of reviewer sweeping dust into bagless vacuum

    After debris is collected into the vacuum's canister, an indicator light will turn on to let you know when the canister is full and ready to be emptied out. Pull the canister out and dump debris into the trash without spilling crumbs and dirt everywhere.

    See it in action on TikTok here.

    Promising review: "Saw it on TikTok and knew I had to have one. I hate cleaning but get annoyed with the clumps of dog hair and bits of things on my kitchen floor...I usually just vacuum my tile with the vacuum which is a pain. This thing is so easy to just sweep things into and it sucks them right up. Sure it's more expensive than my actual vacuum but I've only had it three days and have used it two times." —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $129.99 (available in six colors).

    27. A set of exfoliating gloves that'll help remove dead skin *and* feel like a relaxing spa treatment. They're available in three textures (light, moderate, and heavy), so you can gently clean your neck, arms, and back without it feeling too soft or too rough. 

    All you need are your favorite body wash and soap to get started — apply a small amount to each exfoliating glove, slip them on your hands, and gently rub your skin.

    Promising review: "This is one of my favorite purchases. Not gonna lie, TikTok made me buy this. So I buy it and I’m still a little nervous because it’s literally a glove. But nah, I used it with liquid body soap and I’ve never felt so clean in my whole life. I got out of the shower feeling like a freshly birthed baby. My skin had never felt so clean and I questioned how I went 32 years without this." —Brittney

    Get a pair from Amazon for $8.99+ (available in three textures and as sets of two or three). 

    28. A tiny cleaning ball to toss in your backpack, purse, or suitcase that's covered in dust and crumbs. The mess at the bottom of your bag isn't going away on it's own, but this lil' essential will take care of it in seconds. Plus, it's reusable — just squeeze the outer layer of the ball together, remove the inner sticky ball, wash it under water, and let it dry!

    small pink cleaning ball inside sequined purse

    See it in action on TikTok here

    Promising review: "Best invention! I purchased after seeing it in a TikTok video, and it works so well in my purse." —Wenhether

    Get it from Amazon for $14.99 (available in three colors). 

    29. A matcha-infused moisture stick that'll be a versatile beauty staple for your routine. Have dry lips? Or dark circles under your eyes? This gentle formula will provide hydration and help minimize some minor skincare annoyances. An added bonus? You can recycle it when it's done!

    model applying the matcha stick to their face
    the matcha stick resting on a pile of matcha powder

    See it in action on TikTok here

    Cocokind is a San Francisco-based small business that creates botanical-based skincare products, including cleansers, serums, lotions, and more!

    Promising review: "This is my first time using the MyMatcha stick and I looovvveee it! I have it on me pretty much all the time so I can dab a little bit on my dry spots as I need to. It softens up my dry areas and even decreases the swelling of my acne! I've used it as a moisture stick, an acne anti-inflammatory, and even a fly-away tamer. It's a great multitasking product." —alizza d.

    Get it from Amazon for $8.80 or Cocokind for $9.

    30. A "Bread Buddy" dispenser to keep your favorite loaf fresh. This storage container creates an airtight space for bread, meaning you won't have to deal with stale pieces. One more thing to note: it dispenses slices one at a time, so you can assemble a PB&J without having to wiggle bread out of a flimsy plastic bag. 

    A reviewer using the rectangular bread dispenser to pull out a fresh loaf
    An image of the rectangular bread holder with a loaf inside

    See a TikTok of the Buddeez sandwich bread dispenser in action. 

    Promising review: "The Buddeez Sandwich Bread Dispenser is great! It does exactly what it was intended for. I live alone and I don't quite go through bread often enough before the last quarter section of the loaf starts to go stale. I was originally looking for something to put a loaf of bread in as a shell for my vacuum sealer, that would keep the bread from getting crushed from the pressure. This dispenser solved all of my problems. Thank you!" —DRMcQuaig

    Get it from Amazon for $12.49.

    31. And a bagel guillotine perfect for hard-to-cut bagels, buns, and rolls. You'll get even slices every time without having to grab a cutting board or knife when you're in a hurry to make breakfast. 

    A bagel under the 'guillotine
    A perfectly sliced bagel

    Promising review: "My boyfriend can’t cut bagels. He literally butchers these poor baby bagels all up. I saw this on a TikTok and I was like oh we need that. So I bought it. And it was a good investment. Now we can enjoy nicely sliced bagels that fit in a toaster and aren’t jagged across. Yay bagel slicer!" —Ci DiPalma

    Get it from Amazon for $29.98 (available in four colors).

    32. A dishwasher magnet that'll instantly alert you (and everyone else you live with) if the dishes are clean or dirty. You won't have to ask roommates about the status of the dishwasher when you really need a glass or plate.

    A customer using the magnet
    The magnets

    Check it out on TikTok here.

    Promising review: "I bought this because of a TikTok video. Super cool and now nobody has to ask me if the dishes are clean or not." —D. Washington

    Get it from Amazon for $7.99 (available in four colors).

    33. backseat hook you'll be thankful you bought for your car. If you're out and about, and somehow have to make room for your purse and shopping bags in a tight space, avoid putting them on the floor and loop them around one of these holders.

    A hook on the back of a car chair with a bag hanging off it

    Promising review: "I saw this product on a 'TikTok amazing finds.' And given that my purse always seems to tip over in the back seat, emptying all the contents all over the floor, I thought I would give it a try. It comes with two, so I put one on each side of the seats, and it works so well. I love this product. It’s strong and well made not cheap. I’m glad I bought it and I would recommend it for sure." —PC

    Get a set of two from Amazon for $7.95 (available in two colors).

    34. And a container of "Museum Gel" that'll come in handy when your feline decides to climb on your coffee table or bookshelf where you keep delicate collectibles. It'll securely hold crystal and glass objects in place, so they don't get knocked down.

    Reviewer holding the container of clear gel
    museum gel holding down

    See it in action on TikTok here.

    Promising review: "Saw this on TikTok and I honestly absolutely love it. I use it to keep my drawer organizers from sliding around. This stuff is amazing and I wish I had known about it forever ago." —Abby

    Get it from Amazon for $15.13.

    The reviews for this post have been edited for length and clarity.