19 Things You'll Only Understand If You've Worked As A Student Caller

    "So with that being said, I was wondering if you'd like to donate t-...hello?"

    1. Even though your job literally involves talking on the phone, you're somehow always nervous to pick up the phone and make that first call.

    2. And when you first started, you clung to that call script like it was your own child.

    3. The sound of ringing becomes both your friend and foe.

    4. You're so used to being hung up on that it doesn't even phase you any more.

    5. The office is always considerably grey and a little bit miserable-looking.

    Just starting my shift in student call center to chat with applicants about our wonderful college! Stay tuned.

    6. But your supervisors are always there to keep morale high.

    7. Going to the toilet is suddenly an incredibly entertaining and appealing activity.

    8. And the word "rapport" is something that only becomes relevant to your life when you become a caller.

    9. The best thing about getting a donation is knowing it takes the pressure off of you to get another one for at least twenty minutes.

    10. And you occasionally spend way longer than you need to writing your "thank you" card just to avoid going back to calling.

    11. You're familiar with that feeling of fear when you see a name you KNOW you can't pronounce.

    12. And every so often you find yourself in the awkward position of brazenly asking someone for money when they JUST spent ten minutes telling you about their student loans.

    13. When it comes to reaching your mandatory amount of calls, there are some days where you can't be bothered.

    14. But the copious amounts of tea and snacks are a great perk of the job.

    15. Calling actually makes you an excellent multitasker.

    16. But when times are hard and you've been shouted at four times in a day, you start to question why you're actually doing this to yourself.

    17. Some alumni can be pretty mean.

    18. But others can be super nice and give great advice.

    19. And besides the money, the best thing about student calling is the new friends you make along the way.