19 Things You Definitely Fucking Know If You Swear Because You Care

    "I fucking love you, bitch."

    1. You've never been the type to hold your tongue when it comes to swearing.

    2. But contrary to what the haters may think, swearing almost always comes from a place of love for you.

    3. Swearing has been a great way for you to bond with the people closest to you.

    4. Especially if they swear as much as you do.

    5. And your compliments are only real compliments when they have a swear word attached to them.

    6. It's totally normal for you to slip a swear word into a regular sentence.

    7. And anyone who knows you knows that if you swear at them, it's not a big deal at all.

    8. In fact, it's usually a form of endearment.

    9. The closer you are with someone, the more you swear in their presence.

    10. Which means when you swear at someone, you really fucking love them.

    11. You've come to find the word "fuck" pretty charming.

    12. You like to give your friends sweary nicknames.

    13. You often find that regular words are unable to summarise your emotions...

    14. ...which is why swearing is PERFECT.

    15. You have no idea why people always say swearing is unattractive, because for you, it's one of the things that immediately attracts you to someone.

    16. And tbh, swearing has become a very efficient way of weeding out judgemental people anyway.

    17. It may seem like you know no other words, but swearing is merely a colourful addition to your already impeccable vernacular.

    18. Sometimes your sweary language gets misinterpreted as rude or unintelligent, and you ponder for a split second whether you should stop swearing for good.

    19. But no matter how hard you try, swearing will always be your language of love, and calling your BFF a "wonderful little shithead" is a compliment of the highest order.