19 Signs You're Actually A Fresher Stuck In A Graduate's Body

    Still not ready to throw away that student card...

    1. You're incredibly envious of the current freshers about to start their wondrous journey through university.

    2. And acknowledging that you'll never be going back still tears you up inside.

    3. You still crave naps in the middle of the day.

    4. And desperately miss the amount of time you used to spend in your BFF's bed at uni.

    5. While the graduate you is trying to be a sensible adult, your inner fresher is constantly thwarting your efforts.

    Somewhere between joining the party my friends are throwing in the kitchen #WhenDidThisHappen and re-re-re-editing my CV. #IMissStudentLife

    You're currently in the stage between crazy foetus and grumpy grandma. You'll work it out.

    6. You haven't quite grown out of your cider-and-blackcurrant phase.

    You've been drinking them for so long that now you sorta, kind of, enjoy them.

    7. King's Cup and Never Have I Ever are still your go-to drinking games at parties.

    8. You're still subconsciously waiting for a student loan instalment that'll never come.

    I'd do anything to be a student again and have a student loan! #bestthing #imissstudentlife #sopoor

    It's OK, I'll just wait until I get my next student l–....shit.

    9. You still think of the year as being broken up into summer, Christmas, and Easter holidays.

    Reality begins no more summer no more holidays just. Reality

    Instead of an endless stream of working life...*sobs*

    10. You still phone your mum about how to do random daily tasks.

    "Mum, what gas mark does the chicken go on again?"

    11. You still have your student card.

    @EttaBond might have to, still got my student card haha 💃

    Even though it definitely expired months ago.

    12. And you've actually tried to use it.

    Tried to use my student card for discount earlier, "sorry, this card is expired", am I now an adult?

    RIP, sweet student discount.

    13. This is still your idea of a good night out.

    14. These are still a huge part of your diet.

    15. And your weekly shop still looks a little like this.

    16. You have pictures like this on your phone from a mere few weeks ago.

    17. Your kitchen still looks like this.

    18. You spend a significant part of your day on TimeHop reminiscing about the good ol' days.

    So many memories are happening on my timehop today #imissuni

    19. And every so often it reminds you that uni was the absolute best time of your life.