20 Pictures That Prove Mums Are Way Funnier Than We Give Them Credit For

    Shout out to all the mums who recently discovered Snapchat as their new comedic outlet.

    1. This mum who rightfully finds herself hilarious.

    2. This mum who's way better at pranking than you are.

    3. This mum who loves a good dairy pun.

    4. This mum who knows cake is the solution to all problems.

    5. This mum who giveth and taketh away.

    6. This mum who came to pick her son up from the airport wearing this sign.

    7. This mum who recently discovered the beauty of camera effects.

    8. This mum who understands that socks need love too.

    9. This mum who had the perfect response to "what's for dinner?"

    10. This mum who's up to date on both pop culture and horticulture.

    11. This mum who wants you to get your own damn money.

    Does my mum think she's funny? Looool 😂

    12. This mum who followed a ridiculous request with an even more ridiculous offer.

    13. This mum who displayed her daughter's Snapchat in all its glory on the fridge.

    14. This mum who loves the new snapchat filters just as much as you do.

    Courtney's mum is now my best friend on snapchat😂😂😂

    15. Because it's just another method for testing out her best jokes.

    16. This mum who knows exactly how to have a good time.

    17. This mum who gave her son "cold hard cash" for his birthday, just like he asked for.

    18. This mum who went to the trouble of creating an entire soap opera on Snapchat, all in the name of comedy.

    19. This mum who's paid for enough for you and won't be paying any more.

    20. And this mum who doesn't even know how hilarious she actually is.