22 Pictures That Will Make All University Students Laugh, Then Cry

    *pays your entire life savings for a textbook you'll only need for 3 months*

    1. The start of school is when you're most enthusiastic and motivated, which lasts about five days.

    2. And as soon as you're set an assignment, you know it's all downhill from there.

    3. Receiving your syllabus and seeing the prices of the books you need never ceases to amaze you.

    4. And tbh, they never seem to prepare you for the things you *actually* need to know.

    5. Your diet is pretty questionable when you're at university.

    6. And it doesn't get much better when you leave either.

    7. If you have midyear exams, you're one of the unlucky ones.

    8. Because studying feels like absolute torture.

    9. And that's if you get any studying done at all.

    10. Alternatively, your course is the one that's essay based.

    11. Which of course lures you into a false sense of security, and allows you to leave it until the last minute.

    12. Group presentations at university become the absolute bane of your life.

    13. Because you're either the person who does all the work or the person who does none at all.

    14. But no matter what person you are, you can only be one of two.

    15. There are times when you overestimate just how much work you can do in the time you've allowed yourself.

    16. And times when you're underestimated, which is the perfect chance to prove your "Don't Leave It To The Night Before" teacher wrong.

    17. As soon as it gets closer to the end of the school year, a familiar feeling of dread comes over you.

    18. And no matter how long you give yourself to study, it's still never enough.

    19. When the exams arrive, your brain goes into overdrive.

    20. But there's nothing like the sweet miracle of finding out that horrific test wasn't that bad after all.

    21. After spending several years praying for the day you no longer get homework, you kinda miss it when you no longer have it.

    22. Because you know what comes after university? Applying for jobs.