19 Meals That Will Make All Lazy Cooks Say "I've Eaten That"

    Only the laziest cooks will understand.

    1. Some badly-made ramen.

    2. Dry-ass pasta.

    3. Dry-ass pasta with a shop-bought tomato sauce.

    4. Toast.

    5. Any microwaveable meal.

    6. Cereal.

    7. Cereal straight out of the box because you couldn't be bothered to get milk.

    8. Pizza, obviously.

    9. Or any other kind of takeaway.

    10. A burnt meal.

    11. Oven chips.

    12. Leftovers.

    13. A terrible combination of whatever random ingredients you have.

    14. Beans, just on their own.

    15. Hummus and a fuck ton of bread.

    16. A really crap salad.

    17. Something out of a tin.

    18. A one-pot meal.

    19. Some weird, fucked up sandwich.