21 Little Things That Ruin Every Retail Worker's Day

    "When you clock in at 9, work for 7 hours & then realise it’s only 9:30."

    1. When a customer touches a section you've just finished tidying and you have to do it all over again.

    2. Whenever anyone makes this joke:

    3. When someone cheekily leaves their own rubbish for you to clean up.

    4. Being forced to check in the back for an item you know doesn't exist.

    5. And having to put on a fake, polite smile when a customer is shouting at you.

    6. Working in retail around any particularly busy period.

    7. And having your schedule look like this because of it.

    8. When a customer tells you how nice the weather is outside while you're stuck indoors.

    9. When it's your turn to mop the shop floor.

    Cash me wanting to die working in retail on a Sunday cleaning filthy floors how bow dah

    No amount of mopping will ever make it look clean.

    10. Being given the early shift and spending the entire day at work as a sleep-deprived zombie.

    11. Being asked for help at the *very moment* you're about to pack up and go home.

    12. And having to ignore the cries of your colleagues because if you don't, you'll inevitably get stuck working for an extra hour.

    13. When you're only an hour into your shift and your patience level is refusing to cooperate.

    You know it's gonna be a long day.

    14. When someone asks you for something that's right in front of their face.

    15. Spotting a rogue hanger that's facing the wrong way.

    16. Working the sales and finding the shop floor a state every time you turn your back.

    17. Being faced with a sudden queue at the till when you're the only one serving.

    18. Being handed clothes inside out after they've been tried on.

    19. Looking at the clock during a shift and feeling as though time is actually going backwards.

    20. Having customers take the absolute piss out of the returns policy.

    21. And having this happen, every single shift, without fail.