21 Glorious Pieces Of Handwriting In The Most Unusual Places

    Beauty can be found in the most unexpected places.

    1. This perfectly written name on a coffee cup:

    2. This carefully written "thank you" on a receipt:

    3. This random but beautiful C on a Chipotle box:

    4. This script-like handwriting on a whiteboard:

    5. This wonderfully neat message in a birthday card:

    6. And this message left at a hotel:

    7. These study notes, which deserve to be hung up and framed:

    8. And these, which could be easily mistaken for love letters.

    9. This neat-as-hell notice left on a car:

    10. This sweetly drawn name on a takeout container:

    11. This permission slip that could have been written by a god instead of a teacher:

    12. This elegant graffiti on a car:

    13. This oddly satisfying menu:

    14. This brilliantly aligned coincidence:

    15. This excellently written feedback:

    16. This sleek AF sign outside of a pub:

    17. And this daintily drawn "nice":

    18. This surprisingly neat sign in an elevator:

    19. This smart and tidy note on a truck:

    20. This dignified train notice:

    21. And the prettiest menu you've ever seen:

    Visit r/Handwriting and r/PenmanshipPorn for more!