7 Photo Stories You Absolutely Can’t Miss

    Here are the most interesting and powerful photo stories from across the web.

    "We live and breathe GIFs on the internet, so for something new to come along that could possibly rival the GIF, it’s certainly worth paying attention to! Cinemagraphs combine photo and video in a subtle and often mesmerizing way, where movement is looped infinitely without any cuts or breaks. To make a cinemagraph, you need a camera that can capture both video and photo, and you’ll need a tripod to get a steady shot. You shoot a photo and a video of the same scene and then use image editing software, like Photoshop, to place the video elements of the scene on top of the photo. Some cinemagraphs can be truly unique and beautiful, with plenty of opportunity for creativity." —Matt Tucker, picture editor, BuzzFeed UK

    2. "33 Photos of Giant Human Towers" — BuzzFeed News

    4. "Gamers Napping Through a Massive LAN Party" — Vice

    "I honestly don't think I need to give much commentary on this one — it speaks for itself. Unlike the popular @craptaxidermy account, which you can make into a million memes, these are simply eerie, odd, and beautiful photos of taxidermy and the process of moving the pieces. These guys are modern-day animal mummies, and as soon as they become taxidermy, we tend to see them as new objects, not as what they once were." —Sarah Kobos, photo editor, BuzzFeed

    6. "Inside Venezuela’s Crumbling Mental Hospitals" — The New York Times

    7. "These Indonesians Unearth Their Deceased Loved Ones Every Few Years" — The Washington Post