18 Nightmarish Sea Creatures That Will Prove The Ocean Is Fucking Terrifying


    1. The barreleye fish has an eerie transparent, fluid-filled head:

    2. The striated frogfish uses its illicium rod, which gives off light, to lure in prey:

    3. Male anglerfish latch onto female anglers in order to feed. Eventually they fuse to the females and lose all internal and external organs except their testes:

    4. Red-lipped batfish have bright red lips, making them look like they just devoured their prey:

    5. Green moray eels gets their coloring from the yellow-tinted mucus coating the outside of their body:

    6. The sea spider's mouth is larger than its body and is used to "suck the juices" from its prey:

    7. The humphead wrasse can grow up to six feet in length and weigh up to 400 pounds:

    8. The water bear, an eight-legged microorganism, can survive up to 30 years without food and water:

    9. The frilled shark has six "bloody-looking" gills on both sides of its head:

    10. The goblin shark has a jaw that extends to grab its prey at a speed of 10.1 feet-per-second:

    11. The chimaera, aka ghost shark, glides through waters at a depth of 8,200 feet with its silvery, sinister hue:

    12. The red handfish looks half-amphibian, half-fish with four "hands" in the front and a fin in the back:

    13. The stargazer has an organ behind its eyes that produces a 50-volt electric shock to stun its prey:

    14. Comb jellyfish will eat other comb jellies that are larger than them by bitting off small pieces of their prey:

    15. The bobbit worm can grow up to a meter long and has a razor-sharp jaw:

    16. The ribbon eel always keeps its mouth open, appearing like its ready to strike:

    17. The warty frogfish swallows its prey whole:

    18. And finally, the viperfish's color is known to be close to the "blackest black," making it virtually invisible in the depths of the ocean: