11 Best Friends Who Will Warm Your Heart And 11 Who Will Make You LOL

    We love them, we hate them...but mostly we love them.

    2. And these guys who held a funeral for their friend who got into a relationship:

    3. These online best friends who finally met IRL after playing hundreds of games together:

    4. And this guy who chose his friend's first tattoo and gave her quite a shock:

    5. These friends who adorably made PowerPoint presentations to catch each other up after being apart for three months:

    6. And these roommates who turned their friend's belongings into an exhibit while they were away:

    7. This guy who came through for his friend with a hug in the middle of the night:

    8. And this roommate who played a prank on their friend who was on their way back from vacation:

    9. These guys who had been playing Xbox together for seven years but just met IRL for the first time:

    10. And this friend who completely trolled a casual Halloween get-together:

    11. This guy who drove 45 miles just to deliver his friend a hot dog at work:

    12. And this guy who hilariously trolled his best friend and his girlfriend:

    13. This guy who adorably asked his best friend to prom:

    14. And this roommate who rigged his dorm door to play the Seinfeld theme song every time it opened:

    u/gDisasters / Via reddit.com

    15. These women who supported their recently-divorced friend in the best way possible:

    16. And this person who plastic-wrapped their friend's bed:

    17. This girl who hilariously celebrated the one-year anniversary of her friend dumping her ex:

    18. And this guy who "glitter bombed" his friends car:

    19. This girl who sent a surprise pizza to her best friend in another state:

    20. And this friend who ended a prank war by auctioning off a portrait of their friend:

    21. This friend who swapped pants with his friend so she'd be able to take a quiz in the science lab:

    22. And finally, this friend who put a cardboard shark in the bathroom to scare their roommate: