21 Things All Friends With A Group Chat Will Understand

    "We need to stick to one thread."

    1. Trying to make any kind of plan is basically impossible.

    2. The group is neatly divided into those who make plans in the group chat, and those who just turn up occasionally.

    3. Sometimes, after what seems like hours, you are no clearer on who exactly is down for the plan.

    4. Or worse, you say you can't go, but everyone else is still talking about the plan in the group chat for days.

    5. But the absolute worst is when you suggest a plan, and then no one replies for hours.

    6. There is nothing better than someone telling a great bad date story in the group chat.

    7. Apart from someone sharing some juicy Tinder screenshots.

    8. Occasionally someone will get wasted and start talking utter bullshit to the group chat, and it's marvellous.

    Or they'll just start shouting about how "you're all my best friends in the world, I don't know what I'd do without you, I just love you so much."

    9. Or they will just send a blurry selfie.

    when u send an ugly selfie of u in a face mask to ur fam groupchat

    10. Too many times you think you've dropped a 🔥 joke, but then the thread falls silent.

    11. There is probably a long and complicated story, that no one outside your group would understand, about how the group chat got it's name.

    12. Bringing someone new into the chat can be quite controversial.

    13. There's usually one person in the chat who never says anything. Only to come out and surprise everyone every few months.

    14. Having multiple group chats on the go is a recipe for disaster.

    15. Especially when one chat is a sub-group of another chat, often used for bitching about stuff that's going down in the main chat.

    16. The worst people are the ones who make a new group chat every time they want to organise something.

    17. If you make a typo on the group chat, you will get roasted for it.

    18. And sometimes those typos just take on a life of their own and will never leave you alone.

    19. Sometimes you'll lose signal and by the time you're back in the modern world the group has written three novels worth of pointless chat.

    20. It can make you consider leaving the group.

    21. But you know that if you left you could never deal with the FOMO.